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Unit VII Team-Building Plan Assignment Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Throughout this course, you worked toward a course project by creating and sharing information with your colleagues and creating plans to help your organization. Your supervisor has been so impressed with your work that she has asked you to create a company-wide plan on team-building strategies.

Your plan will include the following items:

an introduction that includes a description of your organization,

tips for goal setting and what you see as the leader's role in helping employees reach their performance goals,

strategies for effective communication,

approaches to create or improve team rewards,

tips for minimizing conflict, and

tips for overcoming resistance to change.

Your plan must be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Feel free to be creative with your plan. You may also use ideas from previous units but do not copy and paste previous assignments to create this plan. You are required to use at least two outside sources, and one may be your course textbook. All outside sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines. The paper should be under 20% plagiarized in SafeAssign.

The paper I am uploading is the company that I have chose to complete this assignment with.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Team-Building Plan
Beauté is a beauty company that produces makeup foundation for people of different colors and skin tones, especially for middle-aged women. The company is committed to improving personal care, enhancing and producing more beauty products that enhance beauty. Employees are the foundation of any successful organization and it is, therefore, necessary to ensure that all employees work effectively as a team. Beauté recognizes the impact and efforts of its employees and it has therefore organized a series of team building events that are aimed at establishing a strong team bonding, encouraging collaboration and emphasizing on the advantages of teamwork. The events will focus on goal setting, effective communication, and team rewards minimizing conflicts in the organization and overcoming change resistance.
Goal Setting
Goal setting is an important activity since it helps in clarifying the direction of the company and also assess the organizational progress. During this process, the company leader will help to set clear and realistic goals. The staff members will first participate by reviewing whether the organization attained the goals of the previous year if not the leader will clarify the measures that have been set in place to ensure that the goals are achieved. If all the goals were accomplished, the goals of the coming year will be defined by the leader and he will allow other employees to deliberate and discuss to evaluate the viability of the set goals (Teo & Low, 2016). After setting the goals, the leaders will have a responsibility to ensure that these goals are achieved. The leaders will help the employees to achieve these goals by guiding them towards the set goals, motivating the employees and providing them with all the tools that they may require.
Effective Communication
Effective communication is vital for the development of any organization. It facilitates management functions such as planning, organizing, controlling and motivating. Establishing effective communication strategies will help company leaders in setting clear expectations for the employees, also, it will help in building strong relationships with members within the company and outside the company. Here, the company leader may recommend the workers to use open communication within the organization. This will constructive criticism which aids in promoting a more connected workplace. Additionally, the company leader may also set a specific day of the week which he will be sending weekly correspondence to all employees in the company addressing essential company matters.
Team Rewards
Rewarding the employees is a strategic way of ensuring that they stay at the top of their game which is vital for improving their productivity (Salah, 2016). It is important that the company leader should enlighten the employees on the various ways that will be applied in rewarding and recognizing thei...
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