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Best Business Form Sunrise Beverages

Essay Instructions:

This week we will select a business form for our business ideas and justify the reasons for selecting our chosen form.

Specific questions or items to address:  What are the business forms? What is the best business form for your business idea? Why is this the best form? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen business form? What is required to set up a business in your chosen form?

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Sunrise Beverages
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What are the business forms?
When it comes to starting a business, one of the very first decisions an individual will make is how the business needs to be structured. It should be noticed that all businesses have their certain structures and legal and ethical requirements. Some of them can be started with a small budget, while others require huge investments. Similarly, the lifespan varies from business to business. The three main forms of a business are the sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation (Bonomo & Pasternak, 2005). In the sole proprietorship, a large number of startups or small businesses collaborate with each other, which are usually owned by a single person. In partnership, two or more people invest some money and share ownership of a business, getting benefited equally. A corporation, on the other hand, is considered a unique entity and can be taxed according to the rules and regulations set by the government.
What is the best business form for your business idea?
For Sunrise Beverages, the best business form is sole proprietorship since I am the sole owner of this company as well as the food stores built across the United States and worldwide. There neither any partner of this business nor any investor.
Why is this best form?
This is the best form of business since I will enjoy all the benefits in terms of revenues. I believe that sole proprietorship is the easiest and least expensive form of business, and anyone can establish a company under this category. In addition, the business can be dissolved...
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