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Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations in Conducting Business in South Africa

Essay Instructions:

There are many regulations and legal considerations impacting business decisions; let’s work to narrow down that list. In this discussion, you will work on the following critical elements of the final project: Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations. Consider the following options to find four measures of government influence on trade and employment:

Use Wage Indicator to identify various employment laws in the country. These might include minimum wage, medical leave, holidays, discrimination laws, and so on. You may need to use the translation service through Google Chrome when accessing various sites. Additional resources can be found in the Reading and Resources section of this module.

Search VAT and/or GST rates for your country.

Use the Treasury.gov Sanctions Programs List to identify various sanctions influencing business in the country.

Use various government websites to learn more about tariffs, labeling, restricted items, and other barriers to trade. Consider using the U.S. Trade Representative resource to identify trade regulations.

Taking this one step further, discuss the significance of these four regulations. What do they mean for daily business and why do governments employ these methods?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

International Business- Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations
Date The standard VAT in South Africa is 15% for all the taxable goods and services, and 0% for exports and other goods such as agricultural supplies and financial services; money lending.  Using the Treasury.gov website there are no sanctions directly related to conducting business in South Africa. This is contrast to neighboring Zimbabwe where the sanctions were applied against specific individuals and entities from undermining the democratic situations and processes. Even though there are no direct economic and political sections, corruption has marred the political and legal structure with former president Jacob Zuma mentioned in some of the scandals. South Africa has a relatively protectionist trade regime and one of the highest tariff rates in the Southern African region, which impose higher costs for the importers. Some of the foreign trade barriers include anti-dumping measures, inefficient bureaucracy, and customs valuation above invoice prices, technical standards, inefficient bureaucracy and excessive regulation (Fitch Solutions, 2019).  South Africa has almost 90,000 product tariff codes target...
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