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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Consumer Behavior Insights

Essay Instructions:

FYI, I have already screenshot the results of the test from me and my friend Annie. I also gave answers for some of the questions.
Please do not just answer the question, make it an article which contains the content of all the questions and related to consumer behavior insights

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Marketing Essay
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VALS (Values and Lifestyle) is a research methodology that is used for psychographic market segmentation. It is a framework that is designed to assist firms tailor their goods and services in order to attract consumers who are likely to purchase them. According to the survey, my primary VALS type is the innovators and the secondary type is the achiever. Primary VALS represent the dominant approach of a person to life while the secondary type emphasizes on the dominant approach.
As a consumer group, innovators exhibit all the three primary motivation by they do vary in different degrees. Members if this group are very confident to experiment, they are skeptical when it comes to advertising, and they are always researching more information on market segmentations. Additionally, Innovators are consumers who are self-directed, they are future oriented, they have international exposure, they believe in science, they enjoy solving problems at the organizations and they make the highest number of financial transactions. On the other hand, achievers have higher resources as a consumer group in a company. Achievers are very professions, private, moderate, hardworking, fully scheduled, peer conscious, goal oriented, and they value technology because technology will boost the productivity of the company.
As one of the indiv...
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