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Business & Marketing
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Accept and Reject the Position. Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Some information you might need. This is an email indicated that after the interview I will choose one company and reject another one. This essay needs two part(two separate complete essays on one page), the first one is I hired by one company who wants to open a movie theatre near the school. I want to be the manager of her(name: Tren) company. The second one is I rejected one company who(name Li) wants to use new technology to supply high-quality water. Reasons free, follow your heart.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Accept and Reject the Position
Author Name
Institution Affiliation
Part 1
Dear Tren,
I am pleased to inform you that I have accepted the job offer of a manager at your company. I am sure that you would find this new surprising and exciting. It took me some time to decide whether to accept the position or not, but now, I am ready to start working immediately.
As a manager, I will work hard and help my team improve its overall performance. I know it is going to be challenging and there will be a lot of tasks to handle at a time, but I am ready to work overnight along with my team as my aim is to bring this company to the next level of success.
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. If you want me to come to the o...
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