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BA 243 exam 1. Five elements of a contract. Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Answer each question individually, don't write a whole article, thank you

Chap1-8 review materials can be seen.

Question 1- Describe and define the five specific elements that are required to have a legally enforceable contract, and provide an example of each of the following: a valid contract; a void contract, and a voidable contract. Can a statement of opinion lead to a claim of fraud and erode contractual intent/ Why or why not? (Question Grade Value- 20 Points)

Question 2- What is the Statute of Frauds and give us six examples of contracts that must be in writing to be enforced? Why do we have this requirement?

What is the Parol Evidence Rule and why do we have this requirement? Describe the five equitable and four legal remedies that can be utilized to deal with contracts that are breached? ( 20 Points)

Question 3- What is the UCC and why do we have it? Define what Course of Performance, Course of Dealing, Usage of Trade, and Requirement Contracts are and how they relate to the UCC? Does the UCC apply to Service Contracts, and if not is there an exception where it would, and what is that exception? What is e-commerce and what is the E-Sign Act, and why is that Act so important to business transactions today? (20 Points)

Question 4- If you were the Philadelphia Phillies and you wanted to hire two experts for a two year period to enhance activities that are environmentally friendly, would you hire them as independent contractors or employees, and why would you choose that status for them? What three factors do Courts look at to determine if a worker is an Employee or an Independent Contractor? Is the employer liable to third parties for the employee’s actions, and if so what is an example where the employer would not be liable? How does an employer protects itself from liability to third parties from Independent Contractor actions? Why do we have Workers’ Compensation Statutes and do these Statutes preclude the employee from suing their employer? Can the employee sue third party contractors who are contracting with their employer, even if they cannot sue their employer under Worker’s Compensation Laws, and if so give an example?

(20 Points)

Question 5- Why do we have Business Laws.? List five specific areas where having business laws resolves possible disputes between parties. List five groups and/or individuals who receive benefits by having Business Laws. (20 Points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

BA 243 EXAM 1
Q1. Ans.
Five elements of a contract:
To have a legitimate contract, there must be (1) offer; (2) acknowledgment; (3) thought; (4) ability to execute the agreement; and (5) the agreement is lawful and not against the open strategy. (Mill operator, 2013). Offer is a target indication by the offeror with a clear expectation to execute an agreement with the offeree, where the ability to acknowledge the agreement rests with the offeree (Lucy v. Zehmer, 1954). Acknowledgment is a target indication by the offeree to acknowledge the agreement, in this way making a lawful and substantial contract between the offeror and the offeree (Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co., 1892). Thought is an expected trade between the offeror and an offeree. In customary law, there must be an individual who profited by the deal while the other individual had an impairment of the deal (Labriola v. Pollard Group, Inc., 2004). Ability to Execute a Contract is the capacity of the two gatherings to have legitimate ability to go into an agreement. Eventually, the agreement must be lawful to be enforceable. (Bovard v. American Horse Ent., 1988). Illicit contracts or contracts against open arrangement are unenforceable by and large.
•A Valid contract-A mortgage holder denoted a concurrence with the mechanical assembly store to buy a cooler. The property holder pays for the cooler and the mechanical assembly store displays the refrigerator for the home loan holder to bring home.
•Void contract- A comprehension that was amid a pharmacist and a drug peddler to buy a foreordained proportion of meds for a predefined entirety. Both of the litigants could void the understanding since there is no authentic objective and along these lines missing one of the parts of a significant contract.
•A Voidable contract-an agreement with a minor is voidable, implying that the minor can void it, however, the other non-minor party may not. (Bowling v. Sperry, 1962).
Statement of opinion: Ordinarily, an articulation of conclusion made by a litigant normally does not frame a reason for significant extortion. A feeling in this setting is best depicted as an individual's conviction that reality exists, an articulation in regards to a future occasion, or a judgment about quality, esteem or realness.
Q2. Ans.
Statute of Fraud:
Resolution of extortion necessitates that the agreement is manifested as a hard copy. (Boone v. Coe, 1913). The agreement must be endorsed by the litigant that is charged against, and that it contains fundamental components of the arrangement. The six precedents are usually characterized as (1) marriage contracts; (2) one-year contracts; (3) agent contracts; (4) land exchange; (5) UCC agreements that are worth $500 or more; and (6) suretyship. For the examples listed above, the rule of fakes exists since it is to shield the litigants from "he said" "she said" contention, which will turn out to be troublesome for the court to arbitrate. Besides, for specific contracts, for example, agent contracts, it is difficult to have a perished individual to affirm.
Parol Evidence Rule:
This alludes to any earlier discussions, either in oral or composing, that are...
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