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Comparison between the Content Theory and the Process Theory

Essay Instructions:

Length: A maximum of 1,000 words (+/-10%) ( Reference list is excluded from the word count)Weighting: 20% of your total mark.Due date: Sunday of Week 6 by 11:55pmSubmission: Submit via the LMS. Hard copies are NOT requiredFormat: The document should be written as a dear, concise essay. It is important that your essay has a logical structure, and makes use of relevant subheadings where appropriate. Ensure coherent writing and avoid grammatical and spelling mistakes. For reading (and marking) ease please use a 12-point Calibri font with 2x spacing.


This assignment provides you with an opportunity to explore the topic of motivation and engage with Organisational Behaviour literature.
This assignment requires you to do research. Your task is to draw on Organisational Behaviour theory to critically analyse content and process theories of work motivation.
In the essay you need to:
Pick one content theory and one process theory of motivation
Compare and contrast the CHOSEN content theory and process theory
Illustrate the usefulness of the CHOSEN content and process theories of motivation for managers in a real-life organisation
Your essay should have the following sections:
1. Introduction. State the topic of the essay, what you will be arguing, and how you have structured the essay. Briefly introduce each of the two CHOSEN theories.
2. Compare and contrast the CHOSEN content theory and process theory of motivation. Identify characteristics that are similar and different and emphasise similarities and differences where appropriate.
3. Illustrate the usefulness of the CHOSEN content and process theories of motivation for managers in a real-life organisation. Based on your analysis in Section 2, provide an informed and supported viewpoint about how content and process theories of motivation may be used by managers to influence employee behaviour. Consider the pros and cons in order to come to a supported assessment and conclusion. Explain and clarify using concrete examples.
4. Conclusion. Summarise key points made in the essay and discuss implications.
5. Reference list. You need to use the APA 6 referencing style.
As a general guide, sections 2 and 3 should be roughly equal in word count. The introduction and conclusion section should account for approximately 10% of the word count.
You MUST consult and reference a minimum of four (4) academic articles and two (2) books (of which one can be the recommend textbook, Wood et al, 2019) to support your analysis. We encourage students to go beyond the minimum number of required references. The minimum number equates to an acceptable level on the marking guide.
We recommend you consider the following publications to identify relevant articles: Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Journal, British Journal of Management, Human Relations, Journal of Management, Leadership Quarterly, Business Horizons, Harvard Business Review.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparison between the Content Theory and the Process Theory
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Comparison between the Content Theory and the Process Theory
Motivation is critical in the achievement of the goals and objectives of any organization. An organization that operates without any form of motivation risks subjecting its workforce to negative effects such as turnover, burnout, depression, among others. These factors adversely affect the productivity and creativity of the employees (Gerhart & Fang, 2015). Over time, various motivation theories that can be used by managers to motivate their workforce have been advanced. The theories can be divided into either content or process theories. The content theories explain the various factors that motivate human behavior and how they change over time. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory is an example. The process theories such as Victor Vroom’s expectancy theory explain the behavioral and psychological factors that motivate an individual to act in a certain way (Kanfer, Frese, & Johnson, 2017). This paper seeks to compare and contrast the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and Vroom’s expectancy theory.
Similarities and Differences
Vroom’s expectancy theory advances that people have different sets of goals. To motivate them, certain expectations must be set. Where people expect a desirable and a positive outcome, they will be motivated to give their best. Vroom introduced three variables in theory. They include effort-performance relationship (expectancy), performance-rewards relationship (instrumentality), and rewards-personal goals relationship (valence). Expectancy is the belief that more effort results in success. Instrumentality is the belief that if one completes certain actions, they will achieve the set goal. Finally, valence is the emotional orientation that people have towards respect to rewards. An employee’s belief in the three variables interact psychologically to create motivational forces that allow them to get pleasure from their work (Miner, 2015).
In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, factors that motivate employees are categorized in the order of their importance. Physiological needs such as the basic requirements for human survival are at the very bottom of the pyramid. Once these needs have been satisfied, safety needs to gain prominence. They include the need for health, financial, and personal security. Social needs are third on the pyramid. They include the need for social acceptance, friendship, and the need to belong. Esteem needs and the need for self-actualization complete the pyramid. Esteem needs include the need for respects, success, and status. Self-actualization is the state where employees realize their highest potential and are satisfied with their life (Jonas, 2016).
Both theories seek to promote motivation in the workforce. Studies have revealed that there exists a direct link between a motivated workforce and productivity. Creativity and innovation also increase with an increase in motivation (Chakrabarti & Chatterjea, 2017). A manager can, therefore, use either of the theories to motivate the workforce. In both theories, the process of acquiring all the needs is usually long. An organization must therefore continuously seek to motivate the employees throughout their stay in the organization. Each of the theory gives employees the liberty to choose the goals or needs that will motivate them.
There exist differences between the two theories. Since the Maslow’s hierarchy theory was advanced earlier, it forms the base on which the Vroom’s expectancy theory is built. While Maslow’s theory focuses on the relationship between internal needs and the effort that results from their fulfillment, Vroom’s expectancy theory separates outcomes from effort and performance (Miner, 2015). Vroom’s expectancy theory also seems to focus more on results. According to Maslow’s hierarchy theory, motivation is derived from something more than cash benefits and jog fulfillment. On its side, Vroom’s expectancy theory advances that motivation arises from relating one’s objectives to efforts, performance,...
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