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The objective of this assignment is to develop a brand marketing strategy for a specific company or product, integrating theoretical concepts with practical application to drive brand growth and differentiation.

Essay Instructions:
Objective: The objective of this assignment is to develop a brand marketing strategy for a specific company or product, integrating theoretical concepts with practical application to drive brand growth and differentiation. Instructions: Company/Product Selection (SME or NGO only): Select a company or product of interest for the project. The company or product should be an SME or NGO and be facing branding challenges or opportunities that can be addressed through strategic marketing initiatives. Situation Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive situation analysis to understand the current state of the company or product's brand. This analysis should include: Brand Analysis: (1000-1250 words) Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the brand's marketing strategy using relevant marketing frameworks and tools, including but not limited to: Brand positioning: Assess the brand's current positioning in the market and its differentiation strategy compared to competitors. Brand identity: Analyze the brand's visual identity, brand personality, and brand associations. Brand communication: Evaluate the effectiveness of the brand's advertising, promotions, and other communication channels in reaching and engaging the target audience. Brand equity: Measure the brand's equity using appropriate metrics such as brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality, and brand associations. Customer analysis: Understand the brand's target audience, their needs, preferences, and behaviors. Competitive analysis: Identify key competitors and analyze their positioning, strengths, and weaknesses relative to the brand. Vectors of Superiority Brand Strategy Development: (750-1000 words) Based on the situation analysis, develop a brand marketing strategy aimed at achieving specific objectives. The strategy should address: Brand positioning: Define the brand's unique value proposition and positioning in the market. Marketing TA Channel Strategy Pricing Strategy Media & Communication Strategy Assignment Guidelines: Written assignment, 2,000 words +-10% excluding appendices AI Use: You may use AI tools for this assignment in accordance with the myHult AI policy. Generative AI software should not write your paper for you but can help organize your writing and support your original ideas. All AI usage must be acknowledged as per the policy’s citation framework. It is best practice to include your prompts + outputs as appendices in the paper and to acknowledge any AI tools used for structure, grammar, and clarity. Unacknowledged AI work or a high AI use score will be treated as an academic integrity violation and referred to the Academic Integrity Committee. If unsure about a tool, consult your professor. Referencing and Citation: As part of your academic responsibilities, all submitted work must adhere to the APA 7th edition guidelines for proper referencing. Please refer to this resource Links to an external site.to verify citation and formatting rules before submitting your assignments. consider my ielts score is 6.5
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Brand Marketing Strategy: The Little Potato Company Author’s Name The Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor Name Assignment Due Date 1 Introduction The subsequent report presents a comprehensive situation analysis of Airbnb to understand the current state of the brand. The report includes a brand analysis of The Little Potato Company, which explains the company’s current marketing strategy and proposes a brand marketing strategy to achieve specific business objectives. The Little Potato Company was founded in 1996 by Angela Santiago and her father in Canada (Santiago, 2023). They started the production at a single acre and sold the free samples to nearby restaurants. It began as a small family-owned business but soon became an SME with 400 employees, 14000 acres of production land, and 20,000 retails across Canada and the United States (Jim, 2023). Today, the company is leading in North America's creamer potato market. The story of The Little Potato Company is an example of growth, innovation, and strategic thinking. It is a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) facing branding challenges or opportunities that can be addressed through strategic marketing initiatives. 2 Situation Analysis 1 Brand Analysis Brand analysis of The Little Potato Company includes exploring key aspects of the company's marketing strategy using relevant marketing frameworks and tools, such as Brand Positioning, Brand Identity, Brand Communication, Brand Equity, Customer Analysis, Competitive Analysis, and Vectors of Superiority. The brand analysis analyzes the current brand positioning of the product in the target market and its brand identity and equity within the target audience. 1 Brand Positioning The Little Potato Company positions itself as a quick and easy meal solution for busy families. It offers convenience and nutritious products to its consumers of the highest quality and taste. The company's focus on sustainability, quality, and innovation positions it as a premium product in the market, offering healthy cooking choices to people compared to other competitors (Hanna, 2023). The differentiation strategy of the business differentiates it from the competitors through its convenient packaging, which can be directly used in microwaves, sustainable farming practices and packaging facility in Alberta, farm fresh and nutrient-rich healthy eating options, and innovative packaging and different flavors to satisfy the taste buds of diverse customers. 2 Brand Identity The company has a vibrant visual identity. Its logo represents a modern brand with fresh and bright colors that represent the brand with fresh and healthy attributes. The brand identity showcases the company as a playful and quality product. The brand personality embodies it as a simple, friendly, premium, but approachable brand (Zulfikar, 2023). The Little Potato Company associates its brand with freshness and innovation. Its brand association depicts it as sustainable, offering healthy eating options to individuals and families with busy routines. 3 Brand Communication This section assesses the effectiveness of the company's marketing and promotion strategy and its reach to the target audience to engage them in buying the product. The Little Potato Company uses several communication channels to advertise its product to the target audience, such as TV ads and print and digital media. It also offers several promotional deals, including product discounts, bundle offers, and seasonal deals. The promotions and discounts help the company increase its seasonal sales and revenue. The Little Potato Company ensures its digital presence on social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest (Venny et al., 2023). The company has its official websites, which provide complete details and information, including its retailers and the range of all the products. 4 Brand Equity Brand equity is measured through different metrics like brand awareness, quality of the product, and perceived quality of the product offered by the brand and its brand associations. The brand awareness of The Little Potato Company could be higher. The company is not widely known by the customers, particularly in the target market (Meithiana, 2024). Brand loyalty is moderate to high. The customers are loyal to buying the product because of its quality, taste, freshness, and convenience. The product's perceived quality is the highest as the brand is strongly committed to freshness, premium practices, and sustainable efforts. The perceived quality is aligned with its premium pricing strategy. The brand strongly associates with innovation, premium quality, convenience, and health. The little potatoes are related to small-sized, organic, and flavorful products packed with nutrients without additives. 5 Customer Analysis The brand's target audience is health-conscious individuals and families who buy nutritious and fresh food, professional individuals and families who prefer ready-to-cook meals that are easy to prepare. The target customers are also environmentally conscious people who prefer organic, sustainable, and eco-friendly products and are committed to reducing their operational impact on the climate (LPC, 2024). The customers' needs are food and products that are healthy and fresh without artificial flavors and synthetic additives. They prefer food that takes less cooking time and comes in convenient packaging. The behavior shows that most customers are shifting towards eco-friendly, sustainable products. Consumers value the product variety to satisfy their different tastes and preferences. They prefer nutritious food that is easy to prepare without compromising quality. 6 Competitive Analysis The key competitor in the market is Idaho Potatoes, which has high brand awareness and offers a variety of products but needs more sustainable practices and innovation in its product variety. Idaho Potatoes has a gold standard in the potatoes, offering large and starchy potatoes. It offers bulk packages for the customers (Idaho, 2024). Earthbound Farm is positioned as an organic producer offering a range of vegetables and potatoes recognized for its organic farming initiatives. Their product ranges from baby potatoes to fingerlings. They strongly advocate sustainability and promote eco-friendly packaging for their products, but their international reach is limited to the local market (Earthbound Farm, 2024). McCain Foods is a frozen potato company with greater convenience and easy-to-prepare meals (McCain Foods, 2024). The weakness is that it needs freshness and healthier options with less focus on sustainability. 7 Vectors of Superiority The vectors of superiority provide a competitive edge to the br...
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