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Analyzing McDonald and Pfizer
Essay Instructions:
Analyzing the company profile, the products and industry position of McDonald and Pfizer, in APA style with references, max 2 pages, compares these two companies and choose which one the investor should invest in…
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Analyzing McDonalds and Pfizer
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Analyzing McDonalds and Pfizer
Comparing McDonald's to Pfizer, one sees a great difference based on the nature of the products they deal with and their positioning in the market. McDonald's still stands internationally as a fast-food company with a broad portfolio of menu items and a high status of brand awareness across the world ("Who we are," n.d.). In contrast, Pfizer belongs to the pharmaceutical industry since it mainly deals with research and development, manufacturing, and marketing new medicines and vaccines ("Our products: Holding the promise of a breakthrough | Pfizer," n.d.). While McDonald's consolidates consumer needs for dining in fast-food business ventures, Pfizer caters to healthcare needs through its pharmaceutical products. Based on the information, Pfizer is a better investment opportunity than McDonald's.
Pfizer operates in the pharmaceutical industry, primarily in researching, developing, and marketing drugs and vaccines that will help meet healthcare needs. It has become famous for its stability and demand, especially at the onset of global health crises, and for raising awareness about health ("Our products: Holding the promise of a breakthrough | Pfizer," n.d.). The pharmaceutical industry presents a stable return with growth potential since healthcare products are necessities and continuous innovation exists. As much as McDonald's operates within a widely popular and very lucrative industry, it can be at the mercy of changes in consumer preference, health trends, and economic conditions.
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