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Impact of Business on the Environment and our Health

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Running Head: Impact of Business on the Environment and our Health
Impact of Business on the Environment and our Health
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Table of Contents
Introduction…………………………………………………………………………….. ..3
Aims and Objectives………………………………………………………………….3
Business’ Environmental and Health Impacts………………………………………….....3
Types of Businesses that Impact Environmental and Health Issues…………………..3
How businesses Impact the Environment and Our Health……………………………3
Suggestions: How to Reduce Business Impacts on our Environment and Health…….4
Flashback: Business and its Impacts on Environment and Health……………………4
Actions to be taken by Businesses and Consumers …………………………………..4
The world is faced with perilous situations, which are accelerated mostly by businesses. Environmental and health issues are at risk if businesses fail to implement strategies that seem to sustain and contain the rate at which they impact our lives. Thus, this paper intends to focus on what businesses around the world are planning with regard to creating a sustainable environment and perfect health.
Businesses that deal with the production of raw materials as well as retailing all play a role, which impacts the environment and health either directly or indirectly. However, the full swing is emphasized on manufacturing industries, which seem to be ranked first in the degradation of the environment, therefore, touching on our health indirectly. However, through green development, a lot has been observed as this industries try to minimize the impact on the environment and health. Fast-food industries are also businesses with ability to ruin or restore our health woes. Despite this being the case, such businesses are required to warn consumers through labeling; the implications of fast-foods on their heath.
Apparently, contemporary business seeks to ensure that its impacts towards the environment and health matters are properly addressed, hence taking drastic actions. Businesses worldwide have been engrossed in ensuring sustainability of products in terms of restoring the environment and health issues. For instance, according to Rosenbloom (2009), Wal-Mart has embarked on plans to introduce a system that is to be acquired universally, which aims at rating products based on their sustainability with regard to our social health. In addition, consumable products are to be labeled, a decision that illustrates to consumers about the social and environmental implications of products.
Therefore, suggestions on the use of small materials during production, smaller packaging, in excessive usage of toxic substances during production, and the ability to recycle products has enabled businesses plan on how to minimize the impact of products on the environment. In retrospect, Tetreault (2011), states that the world is increasing in trends towards health issues such as obesity, and other health problems related to food consumption. According to reports, it is evident that businesses worldwide play a role in how our health and environment are shaped. Therefore, p...
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