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Business & Marketing
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Advertising Essay Business & Marketing Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Assigned texts: Daniel Gross, “Will Your Recession Be Tall, Grande, or Venti?”

Douglas Rushkoff, “Which One of These Sneakers Is Me?”

Joseph Turow, “The Daily You”

Douglas Rushkoff and Joseph Turow both show some of the ways that marketers can appeal to the personal qualities of consumers. Turow details some of the ways that marketers target specific segments of the population or of people themselves, and Rushkoff shows some of the effects on consumers themselves. Daniel Gross shows how brands can serve as broader cultural identifiers. Using Gross and one of the other articles, consider the following question.

How do brands become identified with particular individuals or cultural groups? If the identification is inevitable, how do people or cultural groups manage it?

Some questions to think about. You don’t have to answer these in your paper, but thinking about them might help you to answer the larger question.

1. Do Rushkoff or Turow give solutions for how to escape targeted digital marketing?

2. Does Gross consider Starbucks complicit in the way it is identified with financial irresponsibility?

3. Is there an ethical way to advertise products and services?

4. What is the personal cost to you of using social media and the internet?

All drafts MUST be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman (NO OTHER FONT), 12 pt, with standard margins (1” top and bottom, left and right) and submitted as Word documents.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Advertising on Enlarging the Market Share of a Company's Products Institutional Affiliation
Advertising is one of the ways through which companies ensure that they enlarge the market share of their products. To ensure an effective advertising strategy, it is important for the company to identify a niche. This niche can be a particular group in the society or a certain culture. According to Daniel Gross, a brand can be used to identify various cultures across the world. Also, Joseph Turrow outlines the manner in which marketers target a certain segment of the population. Therefore, it is very common for companies to identify their brands with particular individuals or cultures by customizing their advertising to fit their niche.
Brands become identified with a particular group of individuals in the society in the case whereby the companies decide to invest among those groups. Gross gives the example of Starbucks which targets the rich. He does this by pointing out on the theory of international economics. Given the fact that their coffee is expensive, then it would only be sensible for them to invest in areas whereby they expect to get profits. This results in Starbucks identifying itself with a culture of individuals who are used to spending a lot of money in order to get an item. The capitalists are an example of a group of individuals that Starbucks has identified itself with because it deals with a social class of the rich in the society. This is an indication that there are many areas in the world whereby Starbucks has not developed a joint because the locations does not fit in the target market for Starbucks. As well, some cultures have opposed the use of the expensive coffee while others have a tradition whereby they don’t take coffee. Hence making it difficult for Starbucks to establish their brand in such locations. The reason as to why any brands are able to identify themselves with a certain culture is because the people of that culture make themselves an easy target of the marketers. “my tentative theory: having a significant Starbucks presence is a pretty significant indicator of the degree of connectedness to the form of highly caffeinated, free-spending capitalism that got has into this mess” (Daniel 125).They have also forgotten their culture, hence making it easy for them to be carried away by the digital markets. Some people associate themselves with a particular brand so that they can be able to display a certain image to the society. “After ...
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