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The Role of Retail Management on the Case Between Lassonde Industries and Olivia’s Oasis Inc.

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Retail Management
Retail Management
Corporate organizations in the retailing industry share a common objective of making profits through the sales of their products while ensuring their sustainability in the market. Additionally, the industry players in the retailing industry have to meet their corporate social responsibilities to all the member stakeholders to secure their positions or share of the market. The increasing competition in the industry demands the adoption of an effective management approach by the corporate organizations irrespective of the size of their entities. The management of such entities faces various challenges in ensuring the smooth flow of daily operations in the diverse departments of the organization and thus facilitating its sustainability in the market. The case study of Lassonde Industries versus Olivia’s Oasis Inc. provides a comprehensive understanding of the role of retail management in enhancing or rather safeguarding the organization’s objectives.
Evaluation of Lassonde’s Actions
Lassonde Industries’ legal action against Olivia’s Oasis Inc. for trademark infringement following the latter’s use of the brand name Oasis in its range of products was ill-advised. Lassonde Industries, a conglomerate with four subsidiaries and one of the leading retailing organization in Quebec, enjoyed superior market shares at both the regional and national levels compared to Olivia. The company dealt with edible consumer products while Olivia’s specialized in personal care or beauty and health products. The former, prior to the publication of the case proceedings by LaPresse, was a leading retail entity in Quebec with over 15 brands from all its subsidiaries recording highest sales volumes in the region. Its equally unmatched return on revenues facilitated its superior marketing strategies to promote its range of products including the Oasis brand of fruit juices and drinks. Lassonde’s products also targeted or rather enjoyed a wider market share compared to Olivia’s which focused on a specific target group of women aged between 25 to 40 years old. The outlined features for both retail entities eliminate any fears of a conflict of interest between the two and thus deeming Lassonde’s legal action as ill-advised and bearing ulterior motives against Olivia. The fact that there was no existing conflict of interest further renders Lassonde’s action erratic.
Evaluation of the Role of Social Media
The social media played a significant role in holding Lassonde accountable to its perceived acts of aggression and intimidation against a smaller business entity in Quebec’s retailing industry. It was an effective tool for addressing the unethical behavior of unfair competition by the established corporate organizations, which undermines the economic development of the region as a whole. It also acted as a marketing channel for Olivia’s and thus increasing its customer base through the increased following recorded upon the LaPresse publishing of the court’s proceedings on the case. In essence, the social media platforms facilitate the development of a favorable market environment for start-ups and other smaller organizations to compete with the established entities. The absence of social media would probably have led to the adverse repercussions on Olivia such as bankruptcy and eventually closure or selling of the entire b...
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