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Marketing final: Apple

Essay Instructions:
Answer the following five essay questions. using the text book, Marketing management 2012 by kottler and keller 14th edition. 1. - Apple has one of the best business models for marketing their electronic products. List several principles and techniques that could account for its market leadership in new product development. (Chapter 12 – New Product Development). 2. - How are service quality and the service encounter related? How can companies facilitate delivery of excellent service from the first customer contact to final service delivery? (Chapter 13 – Service as the Core Offering) 3. - Pricing against competitors is common. although the approach can incur significant problems. What are the advantages of competitor pricing? What are the risks of using competitor-based pricing exclusive of other approaches? Identify two industries in which taking competitor-based pricing into account might be especially beneficial when developing an overall pricing strategy? Why would it be helpful? (Chapter 14 –Managing Pricing Decisions) 4. - Channel conflict is causing tension and confusion for many established companies due to the growth of E-commerce versus a traditional brick & mortar presence. Discuss the types of conflicts and offer ways to resolve these conflicts. (Chapter 15 – Managing marketing Channels and the Supply Chain) 5. - In today's fast paced advertising and promotion world with increasing competitive products, over saturated media and conflicting distribution channels, how can you capture a consumer's, or a business's attention? (Choose either consumer or business to business as a basis for the answer) (Chapter 17 - Integrated Marketing Communications- Promotional Strategy etc)
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Question 1
The Apple industry has emerged as one of the best in marketing, leading to its enhanced popularity. The company is said to have one of the best business marketing models for their electronic products. In order to arrive to this success, Apple has applied various techniques as well as principles in ensuring that they are on the lead in the market in new products development. The shape of marketing has changed and enhanced as the company progresses to invent new strategic ideas of increasing popularity of their products. The innovative tendency of the company has enabled it to sell out even without necessarily advertising their products much. The innovation of quality and reliable products has enabled the company to lure loyal customers all over the globe. The company has used three main principles in emerging the most favorable in the world market (Schneiders, 2011).
Empathy is one of the key principles that enable the company to identify and understand the requirements of the customers than other companies. They always ensure that they are enlightened about the things that are important to the customers at a particular time being ahead of all the other companies. The other important principle is to focus, where eliminating insignificant opportunities counts a great deal, in order to perform a commendable work of the things that they set to do. In addition, the company’s quest to impute the desired quality and working on the measures to take has landed them to great achievement. They believe that individuals judge a book by its cover, thus they present their products in a creative as well as professional way. In becoming the leading company in marketing, Apple has used various techniques like iterative customer participation. Apple spends a considerable time observing the customers using technologies by Apple and other companies. By doing this, the company integrates the experience of the customer into its development and design process in order to understand their opportunities. Apple has always worked against the feature bloat and scope creep as they want to remain relevant in the market, not only earning money but also showing professionalism. For instance, mp3 players were used before the arrival of smart phones and iPod, before the iPhone, while Apple’s innovation brought a distillation of those products to their fundamental functions. Moreover, the Apple has enabled their customers to discover and differentiate via the Apple stores. The presence of retail service offered Apple another forum in flexing its design prowess
Question 2
The service quality and service encounter are related in the context of marketing. Service quality can be termed as a link of anticipations with performance, while the service encounter is a period of time that a client directly interacts with a certain service. The service encounters usually enhance service quality as well as the patient satisfaction. A company like Apple bears a high service quality, thus meeting the various needs of its customers and yet remaining competitive economically. Service quality is known to be an attainment in customer sector, which reflects at all the service encounters. Apple have numerous suppliers to ensure that its products are accessible at any time when needed by the customers. They learnt the secret that the familiarization of the products to customers would enhance the demand. Apple created a strong connection with the suppliers that have been working there for many years. In ensuring the service quality, Apple needs all the suppliers to meet high levels for all the goods and services. The requirements of Apple comprise of a commitment to thorough quality assurance. More so, the company insists on the suppliers’ commitment in order to ensure that the highest levels of social responsibility are met. The company always looks forward to expending the supplier base in order to accommodate the customer base that is rapidly growing. The companies are ensured of excellent service delivery from the first customer contact to the final service delivery by ensuring that they have efficient suppliers. Building a workable relationship with suppliers would ...
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