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Essay Instructions:
For this assignment, conduct research on a Security and Emergency Management topic utilizing the steps of the scientific method. TOPIC is: BORDER SECURITY ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS IN PROTECTING AMERICA. Formulate a research question and supporting hypotheses. Identify a key issue and supporting research question in Homeland Security and Emergency Management. (1 page) Create one research hypothesis that may answer the research question. (1 page) Conduct a literature review related to your security research question and your hypotheses. Discuss the findings of this literature review. (roughly 1-2 pages) Establish research variables for analysis and subsequent confirmation or refute of the research hypothesis. (roughly 1-2 pages) Present results of research, informing the proposed research variables. This research must be supported by at least eight legitimate academic resources. (2 to 3 pages) Analyze the research question and supporting hypothesis. (1-2 pages) Finally, describe where you believe the greatest challenge will be in conducting research and analysis on your homeland security topic. Construct a conclusion of research (results and answer of the research). (1-2 pages) Include a reference page, which does not count towards the summative assignments page total. The reference page should be as long as needed to accurately account for all utilized research materials. Each item of the reference page should be in APA At least 8 pages of text. Not including reference page obviously. Thanks! I love this website!
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Table of Contents
 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc364241874" 1.3 Literature review  PAGEREF _Toc364241874 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc364241875" 1.4 Research Variable  PAGEREF _Toc364241875 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc364241876" 1.5 Results  PAGEREF _Toc364241876 \h 9
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc364241877" 1.6 Conclusion  PAGEREF _Toc364241877 \h 10
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc364241878" 1.7 Study Challenge  PAGEREF _Toc364241878 \h 11
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc364241879" References  PAGEREF _Toc364241879 \h 12

1.1 Research Question and Hypothesis
Border security is a crucial element with regard to protection of American citizens from terrorism and their destructive tools. In addition, it is a complex endeavor. For instance, cargoes for international markets travel in different conveyances, different infrastructure, different places and are handled by different people and organizations. In addition, this cargo may involve more than 40 different documents from the origin to the final destination. How the homeland security department does its work in maintaining border security amidst these complexities. The study hypothesis in solving this query is that US borders may be looked at, not just like a physical boundary, but as a flexible concept that the border is actually the first destination where imports or people that are US bound begin their journey. Thus to make the management of border security much easier, the management policies are implemented at the first destination of these goods and people and not just the physical boundary. Incorporation of modern technologies at the agency facilitates the improvement of its operations and activities in ensuring border security.
The department of homeland security is mandated with the role of making American borders secure. The specific security functions for this entity includes prevention of terrorism, execution and implementation of immigration policy, organization of disaster preparedness and recovery. The DHS is mandated to protect the country from money laundering, illegal drugs, counterterrorism activities and illegal people. It is also responsible for providing immigration services, benefits and authorization of work. In addition to these roles is the implementation of laws relating to air security, customs and immigration. The department also coordinates with the federal government and the local security agencies in matters related with the security. The use of the advanced technology tools in performance of its role has greatly enhanced its efficiency in the provision of this service.
1.2 Hypothesis
The US departments of homeland security (DHS) are mandated to enforce and implement policies that can make American borders secure. The establishment of the agency by the federal government was meant to consolidate security operations and money to one particular organ which can better handle security matters. With a substantial amount of money, DHS is relegated with the role of ensuring border security, immigration matters, preparedness/response recovery, and counterterrorism (Tailor, 2013).
Protection of a powerful state such as America necessitates more than important policies, trained personnel or clarified objectives. Rather it involves the adoption and use of modern technology. Apparently, the department of Homeland Security in America has incorporated a technology and science directorate responsible for undertaking research and development for these agencies’ operations. The incorporation of technology and science organ within this department is part of the DHS process in effectively safeguarding the nation’s security.
The adopted technology and Science Department employs the modern technology on its development and improvement in order to make the DHS agency to become effective in performing its duties. In addition to these is the creation of new security instruments, infrastructure as well as other items required by different organizations across the nation. Development in technology and Science Department is just one of the many agencies of the research facilities. In this department, leading experts and researchers from various scientific areas collaborate to develop and improve new technologies for the department of home security. Private firms are hired to carry research in industries, laboratories and think tanks (Hsu, 2011).
1.3 Literature review
The North American Center for Transborder studies (NACTS) conducted a study on border security. This study was aimed at finding out means through which technology can be employed to argument the security across the American border. In particular, this study was interested to find out whether application of new technologies in activities and programs of border security could improve efficiency of the operations, and ensures safety. The study process included conducted interviews with 40 respondents, observation tours in the entire border, series of meetings and events and a review of relevant literature. Among the major findings in this study were that, in optimizing the present border security architecture in America, modern technology should be thought of as critical and the cornerstone of border security activities and operations.
DHS employs modern technology in protection of process of advanced screening in border, air and port entry avenues. Presently, Nanotechnology is being developed at the center as a measure of defending the nations by way of projectile advanced materials design projects. In addition to this, the biometric devices being introduced at the agency are purposed to recognize potential human threats in the country. The new advanced technologies have made it easy for information regarding finger printing and unique feature data to be quickly analyzed and used to capture or contain criminals and their behaviors. The use of science and technology is aimed at preserving the American life at all costs (DHS, 2013). The directorate of technology and science manages technology and research development in the agency.
The homeland’s advanced research security projects department focuses on identification, developing and transitioning capabilities and technologies that can be effectively used in countering biological, chemical, cyber threats and explosions. The core mission of the technology and Science is to strengthen the overall security and resilience of America through provision of knowledge products and innovative technological solutions.
The federal government has continued to support the funding of the technological innovations at the homeland security department in an endeavor to improve the nation’s security systems. In fact, in this year, the agency used a budget of $243 million to obtain technologies in facilitate management of border security. Further, the technological initiatives are tailored to the specific needs of each border region. The modern technologies are aimed to achieve a better overall coverage of situational awareness, a more efficient strategy of deployment and meeting resource needs (DHS, 2013).
The Science and technological organ in this department has six units vis a vis: the border and Maritime security division, the chemical and biological division, the command, interoperative and control division, explosive divisions, infrastructure, geophysical division, and human factors division. The chief purpose of the border and Maritime security division is to establish and transition new technologies and instruments to improve the securities at all borders, air and waterways in US without jeopardizing the flow of business operations and normal activities. Apparently, the chemical and biological division is aimed at improving the preparedness of the state against biological and chemical threats by means of advanced detection and surveillance, improvement in threat awareness, and security countermeasures. The interoperative, control, command division is mandated to set standards of interoperative communication and procedures in responding to emergencies, cyber security instruments to protect the integrity of the internet and automatic capabilities to identify and assess potential threats. The work of the explosive division is to establish technical capabilities of detecting, interdicting and lessening the influ...
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