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Team Dynamics

Essay Instructions:

1)  Identify a team that you are currently participating in, or a team with which you have worked in the past. Identify norms and any explicit ground rules that were developed for the team. Even if the team did not have an explicit mission statement, as you reflect on the team goals and objectives, develop a team mission statement for the team using the guidelines presented in this chapter (pp. 216-217).


2)  Develop a meeting agenda for an upcoming meeting. Develop a meeting goal or goals, and identify the sequence of agenda items. After you have written your agenda, write a brief explanation of why you structured your agenda as you did. Use the information on pages 234–236 as a basis for your rationale.


3)  Attend a public meeting, such as your local school board, city council, or campus council. Using the principles and skills discussed in this chapter, evaluate the meeting using the five principles of leadership discussed in this book (p. 253). Were group members self-aware and aware of comments and actions of others? How effectively did group members use verbal messages to make their points and organize their ideas? Did nonverbal messages provide supportive and positive reinforcement of other’s comments? How effectively did group members listen and respond to messages? What evidence did you find that group members appropriately adapted their message to others during the course of their conversations?



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Team Dynamics

Ground rules
The set out a number ground rules that would help manage the affairs of the group in any meeting or forum that is held between the members(Www1.umn.edu, 2015). In light if the norms observed by the groups, the following are the ground rules that dictate the expectation of each member during meetings;
All members are expected to come to the meeting venue on time
Any members that will not be in a position to attend a meeting should inform the chairperson in writing, one day before the meeting
In case of emergencies affecting any member, formal acknowledgement of them should be sent in writing to the chairman
Meeting will be held every Friday at 5.00 PM at the Galleria Conference Room 6
All decision in the group will be passed through voting
Every member has a right to speak at the meeting(Www1.umn.edu, 2015)
Only one member will be allowed to speak at a time
Mission statement
Out team will make more sales then the rest of the teams in the next three months(Stoner, 2013).
Meeting agenda
Meeting Place: Galleria Conference Room 6
Meeting Time: Friday, June 19th, at 5.00 PM
Meeting Goals: At the end of this meeting the members will be in a position to;
Identify the main challenges in the selling the products
Describe how the customers are responding to the new products
Identify ways to boost sales in the new markets (Beebe &Mottet, 2013)
What are the main challenges in the market when selling the company products?
How are the customers responding to the new products?
What are the suggested ways of boosting the sales?
What are the main strategies that can be adopted to boost the sales in the next three months?
Rationale for the meeting agenda structure
The first agenda of the meeting is placed in this position so as to warm up the team members(Beebe &Mottet, 2013). This is an agenda that will get everyone in the group talking and expressing their challenges and their discontent with the products or the strategies to get the products moving. It is also a high priority agenda as it aligns with the goals of the team to boost their sales in the next th...
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