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Tackling Multicultural Barriers

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Tackling Multicultural Barriers

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Tackling multicultural barriers
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In realization of the great differences associated with different countries especially in different regions, there is comparison of US worker culture and that of Egypt. This is in a bid to understand the differences as well as similarities so as to facilitate understanding and smooth working with colleagues despite the distance involved. There is realization that, in the 6 dimensions outlined in Hofsteed’s national cultural dimension, there is much difference in the countries. However, there are still some similarities. Moran, Harris and Moran (2007) assert that; this aspect presents both motivation and a challenge in the project in different ways. The 6 dimensions in the Hofsteed’s model are influential to workers because; it is not possible to separate individual workers from their culture. There is always an influence from the country culture. This is carried to the work and must therefore be considered in articulation of important projects such as the information technology system
A comparison of US and Egypt reveal that there is much difference between those two countries when it comes to power distance. This aspect denotes the degree to which the less powerful in the society accept the fact that power is unequally distributed. In view of this model, Egypt scores high. This can be attributed to the power gap among the individuals in these countries. This is in contrast to US whereby, there is little gap of power distribution. Hence, there is less score of power distance. This aspect is of crucial influence when it comes to spearheading the information technology project. This is because; such a factor will have to be considered in articulation of the different objects involved in the project.
An area that portrays much difference is individualism. US scores very high in this dimension, while Egypt scores very low. Individualism in this context denotes the degree of interdependence among the individuals. In US, peoples’ image is defined by ‘I’ rather than we. Casison (2007) notes that; the degree of individualism in a culture influences the attitude to be articulated at workplace. This is why it is crucial to consider this aspect in coming up with a system.
A comparison of those two countries reveals that; US score very high in masculinity dimension. This means that; there is high competition in the country. Achievement and success is defined by the winner. On the other hand, Egypt scores low in masculinity which means it is oriented to femininity. This is whereby, the culture points to success when one is caring for others. This is a crucial aspect when it comes to consideration of systems. Uncertainty avoidance is very high in Egypt. This follows the feelings of insecurity and lack of assurance. In US, uncertainty avoidance is low. This could be attributed to preparedness in tackling uncertainties. Here, technological advancement is much more welcome.
In the dimension of long term orientation, there is similarity in US and Egypt in the sense that; they both score below ...
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