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Strategic Planning and Monitoring and Credit Worthiness

Essay Instructions:

Part I (50 point maximum/100 point exam total):

Choose and answer two of three following questions listed below. Please use a minimum of two outside sources to craft your answer, and cite them in APA format at the end of each response. The response to each question should be approximately two pages, double-spaced, 12- point font.

Question 1:

Briefly describe the major supportive resources and competencies needed for strategies to succeed. Pick one of them and explain how and why they are particularly important, given the unique aspects of the health care industry.

Question 2:

Describe at least two techniques by which an organization can transition from strategic planning as a “task” to it becoming an ongoing process and mindset; part of the corporate culture. Describe several benefits which can be realized by health care organizations who make strategic planning part of their “culture.

Question 3:

What is credit worthiness and why is it important to the strategic direction of health care organizations? Describe three external and three internal factors affecting the creditworthiness of health care organizations.

Part II (50 Point maximum/100 point exam total):

Respond to question below in approximately three to four pages, double-spaced, 12- point font.

First, define what is strategic monitoring and why is it particularly important within the health care industry.

Then, using the US Department of Health and Human Services 2013 Annual Progress Report on the National Strategy for Quality Improvement in Health Care (A summary of the Report can be found at the following web address: http://www(dot)ahrq(dot)gov/workingforquality/nqs/nqs2013annlrpt.htm ) chose a total of three measures from one of the following (priority 1, 2, and 5) and describe for a hospital system, how you would chose outcomes measures/metrics, set aspirational targets and means by which you would monitor progress in achieving such targets. Please be clear and concise as possible and cite at least three outside references to support your response.

Hello my text books are

Moseley, G. (2009). Managing health care business strategy. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett.

and , Zuckerman, A. (2012). Healthcare strategic planning (3rd ed.). Chicago: Health Administration Press.

If you have them, you can use them, and the rest of sources you can choose them. I just need to get ride of this class,I don't like Strategic management.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Strategic Planning
Course title:
Strategic Planning
Part I
Response to Question 1
Implementing a strategy involves converting the strategic plan of an organization into action and results. Antep et al. (2012) stated that implementation of a strategy is essentially the process of assigning resources in order to support the selected strategies. The process comprises the different management activities which are essential to put strategy in motion, institute strategic controls for monitoring progress, and in the end accomplish goals of the organization. Appropriate competencies and resources need to be obtained and allocated for the strategy to be implemented successfully. The necessary resources include human resources, finances, time, as well as technology. Without the right kind of resources in sufficient amounts, even the best-organized, best-planned strategy would not succeed (Zuckerman, 2012).
Human resources: This includes the organization’s managers and employees; employees are participants in strategy implementation. Implementation of an organization’s strategy is actually a task for the entire management team. It affects all parts of the organization. Each manager in the organization should answer the question: what needs to be done in my area in order to implement or execute our part of the strategic plan, and what should I have to do so as to get these things achieved? Every manager becomes a strategic implementer in his or her area and every employee is a participant (Lega, Longo & Rotolo, 2013).
According to Harrison (2010), the first stage of implementing a strategic plan in a healthcare organization is to ensure that that the right individuals are on board. It is worth mentioning that the right persons basically include those people who have the required skills and competencies necessary to support the strategic plan. In the months after the planning process, the manager needs to expand the skills of employees through new hires, recruitment, or training in order to include new competencies that are needed by the strategic plan (Sage, 2011). There needs to be communication with employees. There should be communication in regards to the strategic plan to every employee in the healthcare organization. This way, they will be able to understand how they are going to contribute (Perera & Peiro, 2012). One way through which managers could implement strategic directions successfully is by building a team, which essentially involves frequent meetings with employees and seeking inputs from other people for instance by soliciting suggestions from employees and then acting upon inputs (Lee et al., 2015).
Response to Question 3
Credit worthiness is understood as a measure of the capacity of an organization or an individual to meet debt obligation. It is the probability that a borrower would fail to pay their debt obligations (Pointer & Stillman, 2011). Credit worthiness is based on several factors for instance the borrower’s credit score and history of repayment. In addition, lending institutions also take into account the availability of assets as well as extent of liabilities to establish the likelihood of default (Pointer & Stillman, 2011).
The credit rating of a hospital is very important to its capital structure for many reasons. Firstly, a better credit rating will help a hospital to borrow funds at interests that are more favorable or lower interest rates. It is worth mentioning that lower interest rates mean a better capability of paying off debt, which will allow the healthcare organization to borrow even more funds in order to expand and remain in business (Moseley, 2009). Credit worthiness, as Pointer and Stillman (2011) pointed out, influences an organization’s access to financial resources, which consequently affects the organization’s economic condition. Other benefits that an organization will be able to enjoy because of having better credit worthiness include less restrictive lender conditions (bond covenants); access to taxable as well as tax-exempt debt market; and greater access to credit enhancement – that is, bond insurance – at rates which are more favorable. Others include increased attractiveness of the health care organization to possible partners for instance through affiliations, acquisitions, joint ventures, and mergers, and less of a requirement to save reserve funds for covering debt service payments (Pointer & Stillman, 2011). However, economic situation in the end determines credit worthiness. According to Moseley (2009), these relationships underline observations made often that it is easiest to borrow funds when one does not need it – as a result of one’s fiscal health.
Credit worthiness is usually indicated by a bond rating – a judgment with regard to the ability of an organization to make timely and full principal and interest payments. It is notable that rating agencies evaluate the creditworthiness of an organization when bonds are issued and periodically after that (Sage, 2011). In essence, the initial rating serves to influence the interest rate in addition to other costs which the organization would pay for the loan. Successive ratings affect bond values in secondary markets – transaction amongst buyers and sellers of bonds (Sage, 2011).
Internal factors affecting credit worthiness of health care organizations
Profitability: the profits the healthcare organization makes are actually the key source used in repaying the extended loan. The profitability of the borrower is based on several circumstances such as quality of health care provided, location, their price rate – how much they charge for their health care services –, competence of its management, professional and other qualities of its employees, as well as costs of providing the healthcare services (Moseley, 2009). Reputation in repayment of previous loans: the reputation of the healthcare organization is vital when making a decision for extending credit to it. Reputation is established in a long process and the repayment of previous loans is often taken into consideration. Lending institutions believe that if a client was accurate and timely in repaying previous loans, it will also be timely and accurate in repaying this one (Perera & Peiro, 2012). Assets owned by the organization: the borrower’s assets are a key factor when its credit worthiness is analyzed. Assets are considered as a possibility for securing the debt. In essence, it is essential to find out if the healthcare organization has modern equipment, and whether the hospital facility is state-of-the-art. The availability of adequate assets that could be utilized in securing the debt lowers the credit risk (Zuckerman, 2012).
External factors affecting credit worthiness of health care organizations
Economic factors: the state of the economic situation directly affects credit worthiness. The healthcare organization could be perfectly assessed in terms of its assets, profitability, as well as reputation in loan repayment, yet the credit extension may become inexpedient due to the hostile economic situation (Zuckerman, 2012). Econo...
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