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Management and Organizational Behaviour

Essay Instructions:

Leadership Mettle Forged in Battle.” Please read this case and formulate a report that summarizes your thoughts regarding the questions that follow.

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Management and Organizational Behaviour
Organizational Behaviour
Organisations need the right leadership to progress and achieve its set goals and objectives. It is under the right leadership that the employees are motivated and work as a team. Al these importance of an efficient leadership, just to name a few means that the organisation needs to decide the right leadership critically. On the other hand, a leader may find the task even more difficult to handle the responsibilities. This makes some organisations to make a decision of having an undercover leadership in place. Junior employees are supposed to follow a set role model who in most cases is the leader. The leader makes sure that the objectives and the goals of an organisation are set in an understandable model.
It is not ethical for an organisation to have an undercover leadership. In any organisation, employees look upon the leader as the role model and as a motivator especially as a team. The leader is also a source of command and change. This means that a company with an undercover leader lacks this figure and may lead to a downfall of the organisation. Leaders are also public figures for shareholders and stakeholder and act as the representative of the organisation. This means that a leader may increase confidence to people who want to invest in the organisation. However, to work as an undercover leader has many advantages to the leader as a human and as an employee too. Such leaders come into contact with the junior most employee and get to understand anything that happens around the work place. First-hand information about the company is also available to such leaders. This experience is important in changing how the leader attends to daily leadership activities. It also helps such leaders to solve bubble of which lies between the employees (Robbins, Judge, Millett, & Boyle, 2013). They are able to meet the real problem in their organisation as the employees feel threatened by the leadership figure. This changes their leadership style and how they relate with junior employees.
In many organisations, there lacks right communication on leadership information from junior up to the leader. This means that the needed changes are not implemented for lack of information. Many employees are frightened by organisation leadership making them shy away from delivering their hardships and problems at work place to their leaders. For the government to have...
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