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Financial Reporting #2

Essay Instructions:

The pinnacle of all financial scandals is arguably the “perfect storm” associated with the former Enron Corporation, which became public knowledge in October 2001. The news of this scandal destroyed a company that had established a stellar reputation for innovation in the energy industry and for generosity in the Houston community. Collateral damage affected its top-level managers, its auditor Arthur Andersen, and the financial reporting firms that apparently cooperated in the deceit. Add in the losses incurred by investors, employees, customers, suppliers, local non-profits, and the families directly impacted by this event, and the adverse effects of the scandal can be seen as truly widespread. Finally, the scandal exposed the whole financial community to a tarnished reputation and loss of faith among its constituents and lawmakers, leading to the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which required costly reforms to the whole financial reporting process for publicly held firms.

A sampling of the practices exposed during the Enron investigations:

•Boosting reported profits and hiding debts totaling over $1 billion by improperly using off-the-books partnerships.

•Manipulating both the Texas and California power markets.

•Deceiving potential energy customers with questionable claims regarding potential savings.

•Bribing foreign governments to win contracts abroad; manipulating California energy market.

Ultimately several Enron executives were convicted of felonies. CEO Kenneth Lay’s successor, Stephen Cooper, said Enron might face $100 billion in claims and liabilities, and the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Its auditor, Arthur Andersen, was convicted of obstruction of justice for destroying Enron documents and forced out of business. In the background of these events, it’s interesting to note that both Enron and Andersen had codes of ethics that were widely heralded among business ethics experts but also were reported to have highly competitive organizational cultures that rewarded achievement with little or no oversight regarding potential misconduct by individuals or units within the organization.

Case Assignment

Review the background readings. You’ll also find a lot of material devoted to the Enron and other financial scandals that have occurred during the last decade or so. Just Google “financial reporting” to start your research. The following item is a place to start:

Folger, J. (2011). The Enron collapse: A look back. Investopedia, December 1. Retrieved May 16, 2014, at http://www(dot)investopedia(dot)com/financial-edge/1211/the-enron-collapse-a-look-back.aspx

Answer the following questions:

1.Identify one of the examples of financial reporting misconduct associated with the Enron scandal.

2.Identify the stakeholders likely to be affected by that misconduct (including those who may have benefitted) and explain the likely impact it had on them.

3.From a deontological as well as a utilitarian perspective, what would have been the more ethical course of action? (Frame your answer to this question in terms of these ethical principles.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Financial Reporting
Date of Submission
Financial Reporting
Enron's fraud included a simple fabrication of numbers (for example, valuation of the failed venture with Blockbuster) and complex financial maneuvering such as hiding debts through "special purpose entities" (Folger, 2011). It is notable that both Anderson and Enron acted unethically. As evidence, creative accounting allowed Enron to appear powerful yet, it was not. Various special purpose entities-subsidiaries, which had one purpose and were unnecessary in the company's balance sheet-were utilized to hide financial losses and risky investment activities. It follows that Enron violated the Full Disclosure Principle. The aim of this paper is to analyze the Full Disclosure principle, in relation to Enron, identify the stakeholders who were affected by this misconduct, and evaluate what would have been the most ethical course of action for the organization.
The attitudes and motives behind events and decisions leading to Enron's downfall are simple enough. What are these attitudes and motives? Staveren (2007) argues that collective and individual greed born in an environment of corporate arrogance and market euphoria were the main causes of Enron’s downfall. In addition, the absence of transparency in the company's financial reporting standards contributed to its demise. It is the reason why Staveren (2007) argues that the collapse of Enron showed deep failings that existed in the nation's accounting system (Staveren, 2007). It follows that Enron and other corporate scandals resulted in the establishment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), which was established to monitor all corporate accounting practices by criminalizing financial fraud.
The principle of Full Disclosure is not evident in the Enron scandal (Bowen, 2010). The author further asserts that the full disclosure principle states that the management of any organization must include all information in financial statements that can influence a reader’s comprehension of the organization’s financial position. Anyone interested in the financial reports of Enron could have realized that the company was running at a loss, if the principle of Full Disclosure was utilized effectively. It is because the Full Disclosure Principle in financial reporting exists so that everyone, from executives to potential investors, can understand the financial position of a company. In Enron's case, there lacked full disclosure because only a select group, mainly the executives, knew of the company's financial situation.
The Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States requires full disclosure from firms that want to trade publicly on the stock exchange. By ensuring that this rule is enforced, the Commission instills confidence among investors that the financial platforms are transparent and efficient for investors to make material profit. Aft...
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