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Strategic Marketing: Panvy Chasses

Essay Instructions:

Strategic Marketing - Panvy Chesses

Panvy Chesses is a company you create.

Do the Product/Service Analysis for the company you assign already - Panvy Chesses

There is a guide in Excel attachment( "Guide 3 - Product, Place.xlsx") you need to meet all these requirements from that.

You might could create a marketing mix-product tree diagram in the paper.

There are several attachments you might found help to write your papers

Make sure the guides are all in the Excel sheet, please include all the requirements.

I just post an example of the "marketing planning" in the attachments which you might could find some help for this section.

Please do this correctly.

NEED TO SUMBIT ON THE Turnitin. Will check similarity.

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Make sure you did your own work, use your own language to answer all the questions

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strategic Marketing
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Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Mission Statement PAGEREF _Toc67297994 \h 3Company Description PAGEREF _Toc67297995 \h 3Key Products PAGEREF _Toc67297996 \h 3Groceries PAGEREF _Toc67297997 \h 4Cereals PAGEREF _Toc67297998 \h 4Vegetables PAGEREF _Toc67297999 \h 4Fruits PAGEREF _Toc67298000 \h 4Fresh Juice PAGEREF _Toc67298001 \h 5Produced Food Stuffs PAGEREF _Toc67298002 \h 5Quality Level PAGEREF _Toc67298003 \h 5Accessories PAGEREF _Toc67298004 \h 6Branding PAGEREF _Toc67298005 \h 6Packaging PAGEREF _Toc67298006 \h 6Product Class PAGEREF _Toc67298007 \h 7Channel System PAGEREF _Toc67298008 \h 7Channel System Diagram PAGEREF _Toc67298009 \h 8Logistics and Customer Service PAGEREF _Toc67298010 \h 8Costing PAGEREF _Toc67298011 \h 8
Mission Statement
To create a community that eats fresh and healthy products.
Company Description
           Panvy Chasses is a company that deals with the supply of fresh and produced foodstuffs. The company has been in existence since 1987. The penetration of the company to the market was first through door-to-door sales. Word of mouth was our main advertisement form. Just like any other new company, there were a lot of struggles in penetration to the market. Being a company that deals with food requires people to trust them before they start purchasing with them. In the 1990's Panvy Chasses became one of the best food-selling companies in the state. With the introduction of home delivery, the company increased its sales significantly. With the vast market, the company found a need to open more branches. They currently have over 50 branches across America. The company's different units have a yearly gross profit of $ 2 billion. The key customers of our company are all the lovers of fresh foodstuff in America.
Key Products
           Panvy Chasses sells foodstuff ranging from groceries, cereals, vegetables, fruits, fresh juice, and produced foodstuff. The groceries cover 25% of the sales, cereals 15% of the sales, vegetables 25% of the sales, fruits 15% of the sales, fresh juice 10% and finally produced foodstuff takes 10% of the sales. The combination of the vast sales creates the success story of the company. All our products are sold in different quantities depending on customers' preference.
           Panvy Chasses sells fresh groceries that are taken directly from the farm. Groceries take 25% of profit generation to the company. The company has been buying its products from the farmers, and it also has been able to set up greenhouses that help them plant their products. The confidence the clients have in their groceries' freshness is why they always choose Panvy Chasses. 
           Cereals sales in Panvy Chasses take 15% of the total sales of the company. The company imports most of its products from different African countries. The selection of quality products makes the customers always prefer buying cereals from them. 
           Panvy Chasses sell green vegetables that are collected from the farms when they are fresh. The product takes 25% of the sales in the company. Vegetable being a necessity product, the company continuously work to ensure they maintain freshness in their vegetable fridge in all their branches.
           The company is known for fruit and juicy fruits. The product takes 15% of the profits generation of the company. The company believes in ensuring they give their clients fruits collected while fresh from the farm. The freshness is the biggest secret they use to ensure they maintain their customers.
Fresh Juice
The combination of unique fruit juice cocktails makes Panvy Chasses the most preferred fresh juice store in America. The company has a signature mango-ginger juice that is highly consumed in the country. The combination of the different fruit juice collects 10% of the profits. All the fresh juice in the food stores is exclusively made in the stores. They are all part of our product line.
Produced Food Stuffs
           Panvy Chases has ventured into producing food to complement the fresh foodstuff, their main product. The company takes the products d...
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