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Starting a Business Online, Part 2

Essay Instructions:
<p>This assignment is Part 2 to a previous essay #00026030. Imagine that you own a small, local clothing store along the Jersey Shore boardwalk and decide that you want to engage in e-Commerce. Write a 4-5 page paper on the following: 1. Imagine that someone has offered you $1,000 to buy your domain name shortly after your started your business online. Explain why or why you would not sell and cite the ethical dilemmas involved. 2. The e-Commerce software you will be using must provide a catalog display, shopping cart capabilities, and transaction processing. The convenience and usability for the customer are benefits of these functions. State how each of these functions could be beneficial to your business. 3. Your business will have created a presence in the physical world by having a store along the boardwalk. Assess how you will create an effective presence on the Web, meeting the objectives listed in Chapter 3. Be sure to include how you would improve Web presence by increasing Website usability. 4. Develop a Web marketing strategy for your company including the following: identify the market segments you will target, how you will reach that segment, and explain how you will advertise on the Web. Your assignment must: &#61623; Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. &#61623; Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student&rsquo;s name, the professor&rsquo;s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: &#61623; Summarize the principle security and privacy issues related to electronic commerce and actions firms can take to address these issues. &#61623; Identify the basic elements of the technology infrastructure used to conduct electronic business. &#61623; Explain the basic communications and network concepts used in electronic commerce and the basic functioning of the Internet and the World Wide Web. &#61623; Outline the considerations for marketing on the World Wide Web and creating an effective Web presence. &#61623; Use technology and information resources to research issues in fundamentals of e-business. &#61623; Write clearly and concisely about fundamentals of e-business using proper writing mechanics.</p>
Essay Sample Content Preview:
<p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Starting A Business Online, Part 2<br /><br />Name:<br /><br />Institution:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />STARTING A BUSINESS ONLINE, PART 2<br />The development of an online business contains a share of both benefits and challenges. It takes consistent people to fully develop and a business domain name that becomes popular to many customers. Choosing the right and effective business domain for an online business can be hectic and once it becomes active, requiring businesses to maintain integrity in service.<br />Question 1<br />Selling a domain name for our online business almost sounds like selling the entire business in a personal perspective. Even for the most favorable offer of sale, it would not be right to sell it since developing another domain to reach the current one can be harder than imagined because of many contributing factors. Selling off our domain name can be considered as unethical behavior for various reasons. Application of good ethical standards for an online world reflects directly to our business online. The act of sale would affect our business&rsquo; brand image to all our customers and business associates (Schneider, 2013). Even though the domain name would be new, the process of introduction to the customers online had already started meaning that we would be selling off the customers as well. In ethical considerations, this practice would not be right because it is not recommended in business ethics. Regaining trust with customers after introduction of another domain name would be almost impossible, as they would be afraid that the same incident will be repeated. In addition, a reputable business is believed to be reliable and consistent, therefore loosing contact with customers means losing customers who would not be willing to be associated again with the business. This indicates a beginning of online business failure as it ends up in great losses of customers and great sale. More so, it becomes challenging to recognize the intentions of the clients wishing to buy the domain. Many online business activities have experiences of fraud, where customers and other business dealers become victims. In occasions where the domain buyers are fraudsters, the customers would be robbed mercilessly and the blame would be directed on the original owners of the domain. <br />Question 2<br />Catalog display is a very important feature and a necessity in an online business. The function of a catalog display contributes to the efficiency of our business through the automatic offer of control over our own web interface, allowing us to frequently develop and update our online inventory. The listing of products available in our business will give the customers to know the varieties that can be found within our range. Through the shopping experience that the catalogs provide, the customers are likely to be drawn to our fashionable clothing store through the internet. Moreover, the shopping cart is an essential tool in online business because the dilemma of means of products selection and payments is solved. Through the availability of a shopping cart, the shoppers are capable of saving their potential purchases and coming back later to finalize the shopping. The problem of keeping track of numerous orders for our business is ended by the shopping cart, but enabling us to view all the items purchased by the customers. Our business will also benefit from the updates of the items available through the linkage of the shopping cart to the online inventory. This would be helpful in knowing whether the...
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