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Small Business Start Up: Personal Trainer Business Plan

Essay Instructions:

I want to clarify how page length and references are graded in the Final Paper. To receive an A or B grade, you will need to meet or exceed the page length and academic reference minimum requirements.

Please read this announcement carefully - following this will significantly improve your grades.

Page Length

The final paper has the page length requirement of 6 pages. Whenever an assignment asks for a minimum and/or maximum page length please keep this in mind:
This does not include the title page, the reference page, an abstract, or appendices.

Be sure to write a full page for each page.
Always use 12 point Times new Roman font and follow APA guidelines for spacing, margins, and titles.
Do not include assignment questions in your page length calculation. It is fine to include these, but be sure to write into the next page to make sure there are at least the required number of full pages of your own work.
Always use double spacing.
Do not add extra spacing in between paragraphs. Keep the same double spacing as you have within the paragraph. Microsoft Word sometimes includes an extra line when you go to a new paragraph - be sure to uncheck this setting.
Example: if an assignment requirement is stated as 6-7 pages, this means that you should have a title page, a reference page, and no less than six full pages of work.

At least three scholarly references other than the eText must be used to write the paper.
Please be sure to use primarily scholarly references. Non-academic websites are not typically recommended for academic writing. While most of the information generally is correct, it is not always reliable because anyone can change the content and it is not peer-reviewed. 

For example, it's best not to use news websites, Wikipedia, investopedia.com, about.com, smallbusiness.chron.com, huffingtonpost.com, ehow.com, forbes.com, cnn.com, online encyclopedias, or similar non-academic websites for assignments and discussions. 
Instead, it adds much more credibility to use the class eText, other related textbooks, and scholarly journals and articles. These are credible sources that are usually peer-reviewed, i.e. scholars have analyzed and evaluated the content for accuracy and reliability. Be sure to use the university library to help you find these types of academic references. I don't mind if you use a company website for research, say for example if you are researching Apple, it's ok to use www(dot)apple(dot)com to describe their mission, vision, etc. But don't consider this in counting your references in terms of meeting scholarly reference requirements. Keep this in mind as you continue on in your classes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Small Business Start Up-Business Plan-Personal Trainer Business Plan
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

Small Business Start Up-Business Plan-Personal Trainer Business Plan
Executive Summary
The demand for qualified personal trainers is on the rise in the United States. This trend has been informed by various changes within the population such as the aging of the baby boomers, increasing cases of obesity both among the adults and children, and an increasing health-consciousness in the population. Various companies are also offering fitness packages to their employees with the aim of improving productivity. Owing to this favorable trend, the plan is to open a platform for personal trainers to serve the locality. Our services will be offered both at the premises as well as in the clients’ residences and places of work. The business will hire qualified and certified trainers who are expected to be honest and customer-oriented. This will help improve operations as well as provide all the relevant information to the clients. Both traditional and online media will be used in marketing the business to the target customers and also to help build a reputable brand.
The Business
The business will involve talking with clients to determine their fitness level as well as their health history. After getting this information, realistic short-term, as well as long-term goals, will be set, and programs of achieving these goals will be set. The business will also be involved in educating, motivating, and coaching the clients on the best way to effectively and safely follow the programs. They will also be advised on nutrition, health, as well as the lifestyle changes that must be made to achieve the set goals. The business will also help clients carry out their workouts and consistently check on their progress using various methods such as the measurement of body-fat levels and heart rate. The business will have a full-fledged gym and will also offer services to clients at their homes as well as places of work. We will also offer various solutions to companies depending on their needs. The business will also occasionally organize boot camps to encourage awareness of the need for physical fitness.
Since I am a certified fitness instructor, getting legal clearance will be easy. Public liability insurance, as well as a first aid award, will also be sought to cater to the safety of our clients. Due to the high demand for personal trainers, the business is expected to grow fast. Besides, the number of clients is expected to be high; hence there is a need to hire other fitness instructors to help with the running of the gym as well as the provision of services at the clients’ homes and places of residence. It will be ensured that all the hired trainers have the necessary certification. The business will also consistently encourage the staff to enhance their skills through training and development to improve the quality of care offered to our clients. The business will also seek to have all its staff registered by various professional bodies such as the National Register of personal trainers (NRPT) and the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs). This will help demonstrate the skills and competence of the employees that will improve the prospects of the business. Personal training involves direct interactions with clients. Therefore, the business will insist on interpersonal skills among all the employees. This will lead to customer satisfaction, which the business targets as a major mode of marketing. Organizations will also be highly encouraged within the business to ensure that all the activities run seamlessly without disrupting the schedules of the clients.
Industry/Market Analysis
The Bureau of Statistics estimates that the demand for personal trainers will rise by 13% by 2022. Various factors inform the trend in the population. The baby boomers are aging. This is bound to increase the demand for trainers to cater to the needs of this population. Personal trainers can help seniors maintain good health and also avoid injuries that are associated with aging. The high rates of obesity have also been a major cause of concern in the country. The increasing awareness of the situation is bound to increase the demand for personal trainers moving into the future (VISTA COLLEGE, 2015). The obese can either decide to start fitness training either on their own or at the advice of a health practitioner. Childhood obesity has also been termed as a major public health concern in the country (Sahoo et al., 2015). To address this problem, schools are trying to come up with new ways of incorporating fitness into the lives of the students. The various initiatives taken have directly led to an increase in the demand for personal trainers. The importance of fitness is also increasingly embraced in the corporate world. To help maintain the health of their employees, companies are offering fitness packages. This is largely informed by the fact that healthy workers are believed to be more productive and less likely to miss work as compa...
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