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1 pages/≈275 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Small Business Startups Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Essay Instructions:

Now that you have completed your business plan research, please briefly share your overall business plan with the class in a 2-3 paragraph summary. Share 1-2 challenges you still need to overcome and ask the class one question to solicit their ideas and help with your most important challenge.

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Business Plan
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Business Plan
All Reliable Foods is a food and grocery store that will be located in St Petersburg, FL. The location is strategic because of the recent change in consumer preferences to more organic foods, as well as the unavailability of enough organic products to cater to the needs of the residents. The main product sold at the store will be grains, fruits, and vegetables, which will be procured locally. Having worked at a grocery store, I plan on starting the company as a sole proprietorship and using my acquired knowledge to run the business. However, I also plan on inviting members of my family to help run the business. The expected sales during the next three years is at least 10 percent.
Further expansion will depend on the company’s performance, but even so, the new businesses will be part of the sole trader. Facilitating access to healthy organic food, and groceries will be All Reliable Food’s main focus. Aside from that, the business is aimed at building customer loyalty and staying committed to our goal of providing healthy products. Being a sole proprietor, the business will be run by the owner, but I will also employ a cashier, and a store assistant to h...
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