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Social Media Marketing Campaign of Hisense

Essay Instructions:

Hi, you wrote part A before, this time the assessment is to write part B on the basis of the last one. the Part A sections become the 'campaign background' in Part B. Please see the assessment guidelines. You can copy the Part A sections directly into Part B if no changes are required. You can make as many or as few changes as you would like (e.g. no changes, few changes, many changes, completely changed). My suggestion is to make few changes based on the comments of part A.

If possible, you can finish the first version one or two days before deadline to leave enough time for subsequent revisions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Media Marketing Campaign: Hisense
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Social Media Marketing Campaign: Hisense
Campaign Background
Company Background
Hisense is a Chinese multinational company in the appliances and electronics manufacturing industry. It specializes in manufacturing home appliances, television, and smartphones (Hisense, n.d.). The organization aspires to be the most reliable global brand and has invested in technological and scientific innovation to pursue this goal.
Hisense’s marketing and communication efforts aim to build the brand and establish a connection with its target market (PR Newswire, 2021; The Drum Network, 2021). A strong brand and connection with the target market will increase its brand value and revenues. It has relied on social media for its marketing and communication campaigns. Some examples of its social media campaigns include the "Excite your Senses" and "Less talk, more TV" campaigns shown in exhibits 1, 2, and 3 in the appendices.
Situational Analysis
A situational analysis allows businesses to capture the internal and external factors influencing their success (Stravoka et al., 2018). Based on the findings of a situational analysis, companies can make informed strategic decisions. Hisense has favorable internal factors that give it a competitive edge. For instance, it has a customer-focused and innovative culture. This culture has allowed Hisense to remain competitive worldwide by producing high-quality products such as the 8K AI Perceptual Processor (Cision, 2022). In addition, Hisense’s vision is "to be a century-old company and to become the most reliable brand in the world (Hisense, n.d.)." Its mission is "to pursue scientific and technological innovation, take the lead in advanced manufacturing with intelligence as the core, and bring happiness to millions of families with high-quality products and services (Hisense, n.d.).” The company’s mission is centered around technology and innovation, and two of the core values supporting its mission and vision are innovation and customer focus (Hisense, n.d.). This has allowed it to invest in artificial intelligence, innovation, and product development. However, it also has a flexible culture that has exposed it to financial and employee challenges, placing the organization at the center of a fraud scandal (Richards, 2021). Addressing this internal issue can help it become more competitive.
Hisense operates in a very competitive environment. According to Miller (2018), the major competitors in the home appliances and electronics industry are Samsung Electronics, Whirlpool Corporation, GE Haier, and LG Electronics. There is a high demand for appliances, but there is a shift toward environmental-friendly products. Organizations that can use alternative materials that are energy efficient can still remain competitive in the industry (Miller, 2018). It can also increase its competitiveness by using influencers and YouTubers in its marketing campaigns. In addition, the legal environment is also very intense, with very stringent laws, especially regarding intellectual properties and patents. Hisense’s failure to keep up with the legal environment has exposed it to several lawsuits. For instance, in the past, it has been in a legal battle with Sharp over quality issues (Pressberg, 2017) and LG over patent infringement (Ji-Hye, 2019). The high competition and legal issues pose a threat to Hisense. The threats, opportunities, weaknesses, and strengths linked to Hisense are included in Table 1 in the appendices.
Campaign Objective
As indicated earlier, Hisense aspires to be the most reliable global brand (Hisense, n.d.). To achieve this reputation, it needs to increase its global brand awareness. It also needs to build and increase its market share to ensure more people can use and rely on its products. It is paramount for the brand to enhance its overseas market penetration. The key objective of the social media marketing campaign is to expand Hisense’s overseas market by 30% by 2025 by utilizing influencers and social media content creators to increase brand awareness in overseas markets. This objective is the most appropriate because it will push the company closer to its goal of becoming the world’s most reliable brand. According to van Rossum (2017), expanding overseas markets gives companies access to new markets, allowing them to reach more consumers and become renowned brands.
Target Audience Profile
Hisense's target market is consumers of home appliances and electronics (Hisense, n.d.). The ideal target is individuals aged between 21-34 years. Queensland Government (2022) states that most individuals start living alone within this age bracket. As such, they are more likely to purchase home appliances and electronics as they start living independently. In addition, this group makes an ideal target market because they are tech-savvy and more familiar with most social media platforms. According to Statista (2022), over 90% of individuals in this age group use social networking sites. Therefore, they can easily be reached through social media marketing.
The target audience is interested in environmentally-friendly home appliances. According to Moyal (2022), they are looking for energy-efficient appliances made of sustainable materials. Also, because they are tech-savvy, they want appliances made using the latest technology for increased efficiency and low maintenance. In addition, this group is not at the peak of its career, and its income is still moderate. Moyal (2022) reveals that these young people prefer cost-effective appliances and electronics. Figure 1 presents the target audience profile.
Social Media Strategy
Zone of Social Media
Hisense's social media marketing campaign should utilize the social community zone to achieve its broad and specific marketing objectives. According to Tuten (2021), the social community zone focuses on relationships and interactions among a group of people who share common interests. The zone facilitates two-way/ multi-communication among participants and allows collaborations, conversations, and information/experience sharing within the social community. The social community zone is ideal for brands that want to enhance engagement with consumers because it allows brands to embed themselves in the social community and become part of the relationship network (Tuten, 2021).
The social community zone is the most appropriate because this particular campaign aims to expand Hisense’s overseas market by 30% by 2025 by utilizing influencers and social media content creators to increase brand awareness in overseas markets. According to Tuten (2021), the social community zone allows consumers to share branded content with people in their social community, which gives the brand an expansive reach. In addition, about 75% of social media users indicate that they have bought something they came across on social media. Hisense will benefit from the extensive reach created through the social community zone because it will gain access to new consumers in overseas markets.
In addition, Hisense’s broad marketing and communication efforts objective is to build the brand and establish a connection with its target market (PR Newswire, 2021; The Drum Network, 2021). The social community zone is suitable for this objective because it provides Hisense with an opportunity to engage with current and prospective consumers. This engagement enables brands to create value, connect with consumers, and gain brand loyalty (Tuten, 2021). The social media community zone will enable Hisense to use social networking sites to engage with consumers.
Most Suitable Vehicles
Facebook and Instagram are the two most appropriate vehicles within the social community zone. Even though new channels are being created all the time, Facebook remains the most suitable channel since it has the highest number of active users. According to Barnhart (2022), the 2022 social media demographics indicate that Facebook is the largest social media platform, with 2.91 billion global active users. Thus, it is a suitable platform for Hisense to expand its overseas market. Facebook potentially gives Hisense access to over 2 billion users in the world. In addition, Hisense's target demographic is aged 21-34, and according to Barnhart (2022), the largest age group on Facebook is 25-34. Tuten (2021) also reveals that Facebook is the most utilized social vehicle in 119 countries. Thus, it will give Hisense access to a larger global market.
Instagram is also a suitable vehicle because it has a large user base that captures two generations. According to Barnhart (2022), Instagram has 2 billion active users and has a firm hold of Gen Z and millennials; 31.2% of its users are 25-34 years, and 31% are 18-24 years. These two groups comprise the largest age group on Instagram and encompass Hisense's target audience (21-34 years). In addition, Instagram can increase Hisense’s global visibility because it allows brands to incorporate popular hashtags. For instance, Hisense can use #homeappliances or #smarttechnology on Instagram to increase its global visibility and expand its overseas market.
Best Content and Creative Decisions
The best content type for Facebook will be Hisense product images and videos. According to Tuten (2021), images and pre-recorded videos are the best content type when the objective is to increase brand awareness and acquire new customers. The objective of the social media campaign is to help Hisense expand its overseas market, and the most effective way to expand is through increased global brand awareness and customer acquisition. The campaign will involve the use of influencer initiatives. According to Tuten (2021), influencer initiatives are effective when the strategic objectives of the social media campaign are to increase brand awareness, generate demand, and facilitate customer acquisition. Specifically, influencer seeding will be used to increase social word-of-mouth. The creative decision will include questions asked by an influencer about the product. A sample post is shared in figure 2 in the appendices.
Images increase brand awareness, customer engagement, lead generation, and customer acquisition (Tuten, 2021). They are also shareable and participatory. Thus, the best content type for Instagram will be product images. Friending will be used as a tactical approach. It will involve Hisense participating in Instagram's social community. The creative decisions will include guessing games where images or videos are shared on Hisense's Instagram page, and followers are asked to identify the product shared on the image/video and its features. A sample of a post is shared in figure 3 in the appendices.
The campaign will run for three months and in...
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