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Principles of Servant Leadership in Chinese Culture and Buddhism

Essay Instructions:

Servant Leadership in Diverse Contexts

The purpose of this assignment is to examine servant leadership practices with regard to religions and cultures other than those associated with Christianity.

While servant leadership is often associated with Christianity and the Bible, one could argue that it is compatible with most religions and philosophies and that it transcends cultures.

This assignment presents you with an opportunity to explore other cultures, philosophies, and religions and asks you to think critically about how servant leadership practices are apparent in other religions and cultures.

First, begin by selecting and examining one cultural context and one religious viewpoint outside of mainstream Christianity. Then in a 1,250 to 1,500 word essay, discuss the following:

1. Explain how the principles of servant leadership are evident in your chosen culture and religion?

2. Identify similarities and differences between servant leadership philosophies and the values from your selected cultural context and religious viewpoint.

3. Identify specific examples of servant leadership practices evident in your chosen culture and religion in your essay.

You are required to locate a total of four articles that address servant leadership in your chosen cultural context and religious viewpoint. Two of the articles should examine servant leadership from a different cultural perspective and two articles should examine servant leadership from a different religious perspective. The articles must be peer reviewed and have been published within the last 5 years. You must use and cite the articles within each content area in your paper to strengthen your claims.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.


Attempt Start Date:12-Apr.-2021 at 12:00:00 AM

Due Date: 22-Apr-2021 at 11:59:59 PM

Maximum Points: 80.0

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Servant Leadership
Student’s Name
Servant Leadership
Servant leadership is an ancient concept that has received widespread acceptance in modern organizational leadership. According to Roberts (2018), servant leadership entails selflessness in the sense that the leader puts the needs of his followers before his own. The servant-leader understands the motivation and potential of their followers and builds on this to achieve a common and shared goal. To be a servant leader, leaders have to possess certain virtues. They include humility, ethics, integrity, courage, authenticity, forgiveness, and hope (Roberts, 2018). Servant leadership has often been seen as compatible with Christianity. However, it is evident in other religions as well. The purpose of this paper is to explore servant leadership in the Chinese cultural context, with a special focus on how it is evident in Buddhism. 
Principles of Servant Leadership Evident in the Chinese Culture and Buddhism
The Chinese culture is deeply rooted in Confucianism (Li et al., 2018). Confucianism is an ancient belief system among the Chinese that is based on morality and ethics. Its main values are integrity, righteousness, shame, and propriety. Confucianism has guided the Chinese people for years on how to interact with others through respect of the community, especially because of the Chinese value collectivism over individualism. Also, as McCune, Bell, and Ai Min (2019) reveal, Confucian values also define the relationship between a leader and their followers, indicating that followers are dependent on the leaders and they should obey their leaders. As a result, there is a high power distance between leaders and followers among the Chinese. Li et al. (2018) indicate that this makes the absorption of servant leadership among the Chinese a bit difficult. However, certain principles of servant leadership are still evident in the Chinese Confucian culture. According to McCune, Bell, and Ai Min (2019), Confucianism values benevolence and requires people to take care of others. As such, under this culture, leaders take care of the needs of their followers because followers are dependent on them. This is in line with the principles of servant leadership, which requires leaders to first take care of their followers. Additionally, as indicated earlier, servant leaders must be ethical and show integrity. Similarly, under Confucianism, leaders must be ethical and show integrity when dealing with their followers (McCune, Bell, & Ai Min, 2019). Therefore, servant leadership is a welcomed style of leadership among the Chinese because it aligns with their belief system. 
Buddhism is one of the religious worldviews and is most common among the Chinese. It is therefore important to explore principles of servant leadership that are evident in Buddhism. It is based on the Noble Eightfold Path and servant leadership can be seen in one of the paths. According to Kozak (2021), servant leadership in Buddhism is demonstrated through the Right Action, which is one of the Noble Paths. The Right Action involves the desire to serve others by helping them do the right things. In Buddhism, the leader serves his people, rather than his people serving him (Kozak, 2021). This is the core tenet of servant leadership; being in service of others rather than expecting them to serve the leader. Buddhists believe that using others to achieve personal gains is wrong. As revealed by Ertel (2017, p.19), Buddhism teaches that “If I employ others for my own purposes I myself shall experience servitude, but if I use myself for the sake of others I shall experience lordliness.” This indicates that among Buddhists, humility is necessary for one to be able to serve others as a leader. Rather than using others for personal gain which is equated with slavery, Buddhism teaches people to serve others to experience greatness. These principles are similar to those of servant leadership which requires humility and the desire to serve others rather than asking them to serve the leader. 
Similarities and Differences of Servant Leadership Philosophies and Values of the Chinese Culture and Buddhism
Chinese Culture
Some servant leadership concepts are similar to the values held by the Chinese. For instance, servant leadership is deeply rooted in integrity (Roberts, 2018) and in a similar capacity, the Confucian values integrity as an important virtue among the Chinese. In both contexts, the individual has to be honest with themselves and with others. This instills confidence among the followers. Followers are more likely to emulate a morally upright leader. Also, both value the need to build a community. As Ertel (201...
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