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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Internet-based Marketing Communications

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Wk 5 - Internet-Based Marketing Blog

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This assignment allows you the opportunity to evaluate the use and reach by companies of new technologies such as a blog to directly interact and communicate with consumers.

Visit the websites of three of the following companies: Kimberly-Clark, Disney, BMW, Chrysler, Colgate-Palmolive, Toys R Us, Costco, or Universal Studios, or three companies of your choice 

Select one of the websites for this assignment.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word blog about the selected website in which you answer the following questions:

  • What are the general advantages and disadvantages of using Internet-based marketing communications?

  • Which general factors are essential for a website to be effective in terms of marketing communications practices and strategies?

  • Which of these factors does the selected company use? How does it use them? Does it use them effectively?

  • How does the website promote two-way communication between the company and the customer?

  • How does the website gather information on the customer?

  • How might interactions on the website between the consumer and the company be improved?

Imagine what readers of your blog might say about your original entries.

Write three responses to the blog entry as though you were three different readers commenting on your entry 

Cite at least two references other than the course texts 

Format reference citations according to APA guidelines.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Internet-Based Marketing Blog
Institutional Affiliation
Internet-Based Marketing Blog
What are the general advantages and disadvantages of using Internet-based marketing communications?
Internet-based marketing communication exhibits a wide range of advantages and disadvantages while pursuing to reach out to as many customers as possible to boost sales and brand awareness. One of the advantages of using internet-based marketing communication is improved focusing on the targeted group. Companies engage in market segmentation since different demographics find attraction is varying factors (Armstrong et al., 2014). As a result, it is not necessary for an organization to channel its marketing energy on irrelevant market segments. For instance, it is unnecessary to invest in marketing warm clothing to a community located in the warm tropical regions of South America. Accordingly, internet-based marketing communications enables organizations to focus on the targeted market using relevant social media platforms and groups. The advantage of using internet-based marketing communications is that people interact on internet platforms based on the commonness of their interests. As a result, when a company advertises hair products for ladies, they do not have to post the marketing tool on groups for males. Moreover, it would be appropriate to use Snapchat rather than Twitter, considering that most Snap chat users use the filters in the app to enhance their social media appearance.
The ability to receive responses from consumers is also an advantage to the organization, considering that market research is crucial in improving sales performance market share of companies. Through market research, companies become aware of the needs and interests of the consumers and potential clients (Wilson, 2018). As a result, customizing the products and services in fashions that attract and satisfy the customers attract new customers while retaining the existing ones. Notably, internet-based marketing communications provide the opportunity to receive not only complaints but also ways of improving products, mostly in real-time. Accordingly, an internet-based marketing approach is crucial in helping companies to gain sustainability on the account that as the market increasingly becomes dynamic, the organizations will remain relevant to the needs and interests of the customers.
Marketing through the internet is also less costly and more reaching the market than traditional forms of corporate communication. Traditional forms of marketing explore the opportunity to purchase airtime from a broadcasting company with a massive reach to the targeted audience. However, airtime is more expensive in traditional media than on social media sites, most of which do not require a subscription fee. The major concern on internet marketing is the number of people from a given target group a given post/video would reach. The fact that internet-based marketing paves the way for real-time communication increases marketing efficiency, leading to a significant reach of advertising messages to numerous people simultaneously. Moreover, the fact that the message may remain on the internet pages for a long time indicates that the marketing information will have duplicated effects as different people visit social media sites at varying times of the day.
One demerit of internet-based marketing communication, however, is that the concept is new. Therefore, companies may prefer using traditional forms of marketing such as radio and television, which are more understandable, and there are already parameters to forecast the impact, which is essential in evaluating the cost-benefit ratio of the investment. Another disadvantag...
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