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Self-Awareness Assessment

Essay Instructions:
Each student will complete the three (3) assigned instruments and incorporate the results into a Reflection Paper no more than 3-4 pages using first person and focusing and evaluating your results using the SAR (summarizes, assess, and reflect) approach. Additional Guidance In leadership, we remember Dr. Warren Bennis' wisdom: We cannot lead without knowing ourselves. It is our very 'being' that is the instrument with which we lead. This course provides multiple opportunities to understand ourselves in ways that reflect the scholarly and empirical research of change theories: The Change Style Indicator, The Conflict Mode Instrument, and our diagnosis of organizational culture and the identification of our own culture preference. Seminar discussions and readings also contribute to that insight. 1. In the essay (approximately three to four pages), explore what you have learned as you have interacted with all course materials, components and experiences to date. After reflection on these "windows" into self-awareness, develop an essay that identifies the strengths, as well as the challenges, that are your own––skills, knowledge, preferences which have the potential to impact/support/influence your effectiveness as a change agent leading organizational change. 2. Include an academically formatted title page and reference list; be attentive to high quality writing in this essay to ensure the best-possible grade. This essay will contribute to your preparation of the final course assignment: An Action Plan for Change. international student so don't be so professional. this is my order # 00024418 I just want to check up with the paper that I need you to write is a reflection paper about the result on the 3 instrument that I have completed so, if guys have them let the writer just look at them and write me any reflection about the results there names are mentioned in the instruction here they are. 1- The Change Style Indicator 2- The Conflict Mode Instrument 3- our diagnosis of organizational culture and the identification of our own culture preference.
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Self-Awareness Assessment
As an organizational leader, I have realized that understanding and knowing myself is very significant. This is because our being is the main instrument usable in leading others, and thus self-realization is one of the key points that all leaders should possess. I have employed several instruments of assessment that are used in self-awareness and they include, The Change Style Indicator, the Conflict Mode Instrument, as well as our diagnosis of organizational culture and identification of our own culture preference. The instruments have helped greatly in identification of personal strengths, challenges and other potentials capable of contributing to organizational change.
I like being an organizational leader who brings change and great impact in work places. However, I was regularly having challenges of dealing with various problems or conflicts that would arise among the employees or other leaders. Even though I fancy being a peacemaker, I would occasionally find myself entangled in the same ordeal. Thus, self-awareness assessment was not an option but a critical approach to enhance my strengths as well as sharpening personal skills, preferences and knowledge for an effective organizational course. The Change Style Indicator has been very helpful in helping me to identify the strengths and more specifically, the pitfalls the characteristics of change style. I was able to identify my change style preferences, which has enhanced the way of relating with the team members. Moreover, I would be capable of revising the processes of work and delivering quite satisfactorily results to the organization. My skills of leadership have been sharpened and managing or working with the team is much easier due to the realization of what I would prefer in the team and the expectations.
The Conflict Mode Instrument has also advocated a great deal in team building support, coaching, and leadership, retention goals among others. Dealing with conflict has never been an easy task for me, but after the Conflict Mode Instrument brought about insight and practicality of the situation that has brought greater success since settling the conflicts is becoming a manageable task. In addition, the personal assessment via this tool has opened up self-evaluation and the way of dealing with conflicts as well as avoiding them. At some point, I realized that the leader may also be a source of conflict and thus, after understanding the relationship between conflict and personality, the situation be...
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