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Science of Consumer Behaviour

Essay Instructions:
Choosing a holiday can be a major consumption decision, subject to many competing influences. This assignment requires you to look at the holiday destination choices of 3 people, and provide your analysis on those factors leading to their decisions. Firstly, please download the 5 survey questionnaires completed by 5 different respondents (these questionnaires will be posted on Moodle from Week 5). After reading through these questionnaires, please pick 3 questionnaires/respondents (you can pick any 3 you like) as the target for your analysis. You will notice that these questionnaires are mainly about making decisions among 6 different holiday options. Secondly, please use the theoretical areas below to analyse the behaviour of your chosen respondents. Please explain the differences between their rankings of evaluative criteria and their choices of holiday destinations, using theories from: Personality Demographics (age, gender, family situation, income, ethnicity etc) Lastly, please provide recommendations to the marketer of ANY ONE of the holiday options featured in the survey questionnaires - what are the characteristics of her/his likeliest customers and how might she/he best attract them by applying the theories of learning and memory? Your argument and analysis in this report requires theoretical support from a minimum of 10 journal article references. Assessment Criteria Report structure, writing style, and referencing - 10 marks Analyse the behaviour of chosen respondents using the theories of personality - 10 marks Analyse the behaviour of chosen respondents using the theories of demographics - 10 marks Recommendations - 10 marks Theoretical support (from at least 10 journal articles) - 10 marks Total - 50 marks
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Science of Consumer Behaviour Name Course Instructor Date Behaviour and theories of personality Then motivation theories explain the consumer choice of holiday destination, where people make decisions based on what they know, what they seek to explore and what has been offered by the travel destination. Respondents 1, 4, and 5 indicated that the cost implication and activities involved were the elements that were identified as they most likely to influence their behaviour to choose a destination. The trait theory can help explain how consumer choice behaviour since the people have different personalities that influence how they make personal choices. Respondents who were interested in adventure and openness to new experiences were most likely to choose holiday decisions when they had the opportunity, money and time. Additionally, those who sought adventures during their holiday destinations were more likely to be aroused and excited, and hence the propensity for adventure recreation. Tourists mainly choose travel destinations for leisure purposes, while others also choose activity based holidays, respondent 4 and 5 choose option 3 in New Zealand where there was a cruise ship experience. On the other hand, respondent 1, a 19 year old male chose option 2 for a guided tour of Las Vegas including casinos. Even as people expressed the desire to have fun in a quiet or new place, the excitement was a big factor in this. This motivates holidaymakers to be away from their usual surroundings, including those who desired to visit prestigious or exotic destinations. The behaviour of travellers is also influenced by brand marketing strategies that seek to draw more tourists and holidaymakers into preferred destinations, but travellers can exhibit planned, impulsive or existential consumer behaviour (Meng & Xu, 2011). When a holiday traveller’s self-image is similar to a brand-image they are more likely to choose a destination because of self-congruity (Boksberger et al, 2011). The most popular destinations may have cultural, historical and natural resources or unique features and excellent services. Personality is manifested through behaviours and characteristics that are manifested repeatedly over time. There is a mental self-concept that is manifested as personality and this is in relation to a person’s image of themselves. When visitors have a personal attachment they are more satisfied with the destination they are more likely to revisit (Prayag, & Ryan, 2012). The choice holiday options were manifested in differences among the holidaymakers based on their personalities, where respondent 1 and 4 strongly agreed that they were extroverts, while the fifth respondent was moderately extraverted. The people choose where they are most comfortable, with adventurers going to places where they can explore. Sightseers prefer informality compared to traditional travellers who are inclined to choose structure and predictability. The uniqueness of a holiday experience fits different types of personalities, and marketers should take note of this while reaching out to them. Behaviour and theories of demographics The demographic transition model/ theory conceptualize changes in population over time, where there is growth and replacement in five stages. This model suggests that a country’s population growth rate changes through cycles and depends on the birth rate and death rate. Australia is on stage 4 characterised with both low birth and death rates, but the population is at the replacement level. Adults are the largest share of the population, and the rate of older people may rise faster when there is a declining birth rate. This has implication for consumer choices of holiday options, as the young tend to choose leisure activities and adventure compared to adult travellers. The fourth and fifth respondents were female one 24 years old and the other 59 years of age, but the 19 year old male respondent chose Las Vegas for the leisure and entertainment purposes. Market segmentation is associated with socio-demographic characteristics, which influence holiday destination decisions and expenditure. Differences in demographic profiles of holiday makers is evident based on the choice of holidays. Young adults especially those not married were more likely to choose nightlife, shopping experience and entertainment as factors that influence their choice of destination. On the other hand, older visitors were more likely to choose outdoor activities that offered relaxation. Additionally, since they have earned money for a longer period they were more inclined to spend more in exotic places. The more family-friendly destinations are safe, welcoming and people of diverse ages can engage in suitable activities. There is a rise in senior holiday makers who are retiring and demography will continue to play a prominent role in tourism and holiday making, with motives for choosing a holiday destination being status seeking, learning, learning spending time with family and friends, rest and relaxation, as well as information gathering (Horneman et al., 2002). Domestic tourism and holidays are options that are accessible to many more people, and as the young people spend longer days in holidays this increases the tourism expen...
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