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The Role of Social Media in Marketing Communication in the Digital Age

Essay Instructions:

Prior to working on this assignment,

Read Modules 3 and 4 in your course textbook.

Review the Better Searches. Better Results handout.

Review the GEN103 Determining Authority (Links to an external site.) and GEN103 Determining Currency (Links to an external site.)

Review the Ashford Writing Center’s Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.) tutorial.

Download and review the All Sources Annotated Bibliography template that you will complete and turn in for this assignment.

To prepare for this week’s assignment, apply the feedback your instructor gave you to revise your Week 3 assignment. To learn how to view the comments on your papers watch the Waypoint: Accessing Assignment Feedback (Links to an external site.) video

This week, you will complete your annotated bibliography

Find two appropriate non-scholarly sources using a search engine such as Google or Bing.

Create APA references for the non-scholarly sources.

Write annotations for the two non-scholarly sources.

Include references and annotations for the sources from Week 3.

Develop a thesis statement based on your research question.

Find Two Appropriate Non-Scholarly Sources Using a Search Engine such as Google or Bing

Locate the search terms you developed in Week 3. Use them and a search engine (like Google or Bing) to find two non-scholarly sources that address your research question. In order to be appropriate, these sources must pass the CRAAP test.

The non-scholarly source may be any of these types of sources:

A newspaper or magazine article (not an editorial).

An article from a professional organization website or trade journal (e.g., science, medical, etc.).

An article or report from a .gov website.

A blog post written by an expert on the topic.

The non-scholarly source may not be

A book or book chapter.

A scholarly article.

A reference source (e.g., encyclopedia, almanac, dictionary).

Be sure to copy and record the URL (web address) of the non-scholarly sources that you choose so you can include it in your reference.

Create APA References for the Two Non-Scholarly Sources

Remember what you learned about how to format references in the APA Skill Check (Links to an external site.) on creating references. Then, create the APA references for both sources in the All Sources Annotated Bibliography template. Check your references using the Ashford Writing Center’s Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) to ensure they are correct. Also, you may view the Week 5 Annotated Bibliography Example to review correct format.

Write Annotations for the Two Non-Scholarly Sources

Now, you will write annotation for the two sources. The annotations must be in your own words, two paragraphs long, and address the points below. Provide brief descriptions, explanations or examples to support your answers.

Paragraph 1:

What kind of source is this?

What is the thesis or main claim of the source?

What evidence or claims does the source present in support of the thesis? Present at least two examples of support the source uses.

What other important claims does the source make?

Paragraph 2: Evaluate

How adequately does the source support its thesis?

How current is the information in the source relative to your research question?

How credible and authoritative is the source for your research question?

What limitations, if any, did you note in the source?

How does the source help answer your research question?

Include references and annotations for sources from Week 3

Review the feedback from your instructor on your Week 3 Assignment. Make any revisions or corrections you think will improve your submission. Insert the revised references and annotations into the appropriate sections of your All Sources Annotated Bibliography template.

Develop a Thesis Statement Based on Your Research Question

Use the Turning Your Research Question into a Thesis Statement worksheet to help create your thesis statement. Your thesis statement should summarize the conclusions you came to after researching your topic and be no more than two sentences long. Note: you will not submit this worksheet for grading but will paste the thesis you develop at the beginning of your bibliography.

The Final Annotated Bibliography

Must be double-spaced, include a title page and be formatted according to APA style as outlined on the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.) APA Formatting page. It should not include a References page.

Must use the All Sources Annotated Bibliography template provided in the assignment instructions.

Must use two scholarly articles, one e-book, and two non-scholarly sources.

The Source Types handout offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Role of Social Media in Marketing Communication in the Digital Age
(A Case Study of the Corona Virus Pandemic)
Student Name
Ashford University
GEN103: Information Literacy
Instructor Name
Month Day, Year
The Role of Social Media in Marketing Communication in the Digital Age
(A case Study of the Corona Virus Pandemic)
Research Question 1
What are the disadvantages and advantages of using social media as a marketing tool?
Research Question 2
What are the objectives of companies that use social media as a tool for marketing communication?
Research Question 3
What kinds of media are used by organizations to reach their target markets?
Thesis Statement:
Studying the role Social media plays in marketing communication during the Coronavirus pandemic is important because there is no such time in the world's history that a pandemic affected all aspects of life like COVID-19 did.
Scholarly Article 1
Neti, S. (2011). Social media and its role in marketing. International journal of enterprise computing and business systems, 1(2), 1-15.
This is a scholarly article titled Social media and its role in marketing. International journal of enterprise computing and business systems and written by Neti S in 2011. It is a journal that elucidates the exponential role that social networking sites play in marketing products and companies in the digital age. The article presents that the ever-growing network of people online comment, discuss, share, participate, and create conversations around certain topics, people, products, and companies to enable market them in social places. The article indicates that social media has made the world one global village with anything just a click of a button away. Evidence in the article indicates that social media is used in business-to-business (B2B) companies and business-to-consumer (B2C), an indication that it is a growing aspect of a business. The article also presents that the evolution of social media has tremendously changed communication.
Most importantly, the source indicates that it has changed the consumer way of thinking. Social media communication has also revolutionized the attitudes of people towards products and companies. Additionally, the article presents that social media has given way for popular influencers with a huge following and are used by brands to publicize the market and push information to reach a wide audience.
The limitation that I noted from the source is that the source failed to discuss the disadvantages of using social media marketing and the quality of products sold to consumers. In certain instances, consumers have complained of being sold low-quality products. Due to the cumbersome process of returning products and funds reversal, they consume those products though the quality is compromised. The article also fails to discuss scam online markets that do not deliver ordered products.
To answer my question, the source presents how due to people's busy schedules, they are slowly turning to online platforms to purchase products, and businesses are also going online to sell. This symbiotic need of both parties gave birth to a new online business phenomenon growing by the day.
Scholarly Article 2
Pollett, S., & Rivers, C. (2020). Social Media and the New World of Scientific Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71(16), 2184-2186.
This source is an article titled Social Media and the New World of Scientific Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic, written by Pollet S and Rivers in 2020. This article discusses how social media has been useful in business and other spheres of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the global invasion of the COVID-19 pandemic, the source presents that physical social distancing was introduced, international and local business and travel closed to curb the virus. The only viable communication channel that remained is the internet. This gave way to more usage of Social media to purchase and even marketing products and companies. Some of the social media sites that have been instrumental during the pandemic are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, among others. Also, Amazon.com, Alibaba among others, have gained acceptance as far as internet marketing and business is concerned.
To support the thesis, the paper indicates that through social media analytics and metrics, both business-to-business and business-to-consumer models are rated to find out the impact that social media plays in business, especially during the Corona Virus pandemic in comparison to the non-crisis period. The source discusses how social media and Corona Virus changed how people consume goods during the lockdown and the closure of local and international travel. We can say that the information in our source is relative to our question because we just witnessed a very difficult situation as a result of the Corona Virus pandemic from December 2019 to January 2021, and the virus is still affecting the economy of the world....
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