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Toyota Ethics and Social Responsibility

Essay Instructions:

Question #1
The approach used by Toyota in its Social Responsibility strategy relates to the three concepts of profit responsibility, stakeholder responsibility, and societal responsibility in various ways firstly, the company has created a very strong corporate culture, dubbed the Toyota way, which encourages employees in the company to work harder, improve the quality of the organization’s business practices and build trust with other stakeholders. This helps the organization to make profits while also building stronger relations with its other stakeholders, including customers. Similarly, Toyota has also created an elaborate action on environmental conservation. This relates to the aspect of societal responsibility, where the company feels obliged to create a lasting positive impact on environmental conservation. Finally, stakeholder responsibility can be seen through the company’s partnerships with different stakeholders. Among Toyota’s partners include World Wildlife Fund and other partnerships with national parks. This indicates the company values partnerships and involvement of other stakeholders in realizing its business goals.
Question #2
The concept of sustainable mobility is meant to promote the use of renewable sources of energy to power automobiles in order to protect the environment. Toyota views this new technology as the intersection between man, machine, and nature. As one of the biggest companies in the country and globally, Toyota’s main mission is to become the most respected and admired car manufacturer in the US. This can only happen if the company remains at the forefront of championing for revolutionary technologies that help shape the future of the industry. Therefore, through the concept of sustainable mobility, which focuses on the manufacture of better and greener cars seems to fit in well with the mission of Toyota as it can help the company become one of the most admired, respected and influential brands in the industry.
Question #3
Toyota’s partnership with National Parks has been a success in the US. The company has partnered with various National parks such as Yellowstone National Park, Everglades National Park, and Golden Bridge Fountain among others. The partnership not only focuses on enhancing the company’s brand image, but also promoting the use of hybrid cars and creating more awareness about conservation. A research by the company indicates that the partnership program has been effective since it was initiated. One piece of evidence of the fact that the program has been a success is the image study that was conducted among four brands namely Honda, Ford, GM, and Toyota. According to the findings of the study, Toyota is highly ranked as it was rated as the highest company brand in terms of various dimensions such as leadership in technology development, production of environmentally friendly vehicles, as well as winning various environmental awards.
Question #4
To improve its reputation in the future, Toyota needs to strengthen its social responsibility program. This will include focusing on issues such as women development, the disabled, and other marginalized sections of the society. For example, the company can promote itself as a women-friendly vehicle, by producing cars that are more efficient, hybrid, and comfortable for women to drive. With this, the company can partner with various women groups and organizations across the country to promote the new brand. This project will see the company enhance its reputation in the country as it will be seen to champion for the rights of the marginalized groups in the society.
Third read both discussion postings building on the original comments (discussion postings) of both classmates. Tell what you like, dislike, agree/disagree, etc, keeping in my my post. Please do one classmates per page. 
Classmate 1: 
Toyota relates to the three concepts of social responsibility in their daily activities. Profit responsibility is achieved through technology, growth and development in to the world’s largest automobile manufacturer. Stakeholder responsibility is achieved through their business philosophy “The Toyota Way.” Societal responsibility is accomplished through the development of their product. They are building machines that getting better and better on the local environments. In doing so, they are also educating people about conservation of those same environments
Toyota’s view of sustainable mobility contributes to the company’s mission by how they develop their product. They are thinking about the entire life of a vehicle (Design, manufacturing, sales and distribution, use, and recycle). They are trying to build a product that will leave the smallest footprint possible on the environment. By doing so, the will be able sustain operations and people’s use of vehicles.
According to a corporate study the National Parks Project has been a success. Toyota was rated the highest in “Leader in High MPG,” “Leader in technology development,” “Environmentally friendly vehicles,” and “Wins environmental awards.”
The future activities I would suggest to Toyota would be battery development. They are a pioneer in development but they will need to offer the next big thing in electric vehicles as the industry has indicated it’s moving towards. All competitors are able to get a limited number of miles off a single charge. Imagine if the charge was actually comparable to a tank of gas.
Classmate 2: 
How does Toyota’s approach to social responsibility relate to the three concepts of social responsibility described in the text (profit responsibility, stakeholder responsibility, and societal responsibility?
Profit responsibility – Toyota has fulfilled the profit expectations of its shareholders by becoming one of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers and the eighth largest corporation by Fortune magazine.
Stakeholder responsibility - Toyota knows that their commitments to their customers, employees, suppliers, and distributors reflects in the “Toyota Way” motto. This philosophy which is essential to its culture, centers on customers and employees. It highlights continuous product and process improvement and respect for people, including its customers, employees, suppliers, and distributors.
Societal Responsibility – Toyota knows that its commitment to the preservation of the ecological environment and their commitment to the general public. Specific examples include:
Toyota USA Foundation – The foundation supports programs focused on the environment, education, and safety that helps strengthen communities.
Toyota Environmental Action Plan - The plan is structured around five key areas:
Energy and Climate Change
Recycling and resources management
Environment management
Cooperation with society
Air Quality
Strategic Partnerships – These partnerships include:
Audubon Society
World Wildlife Fund
American Lung Association
S. National Parks
Environmental Media Association

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Classmate 1 post
Question 1:The first student does well to mention the three aspects of Toyota’s social responsibility: profit responsibility; stakeholder responsibility; and societal responsibility. However, the student fails to critically address the aspects that each aspect touches on. For example, on profit responsibility, the student lightly addresses what constitutes Toyota’s profit responsibility aspects. The student does not touch on how the corporate culture at Toyota has motivated employees to work harder, build trust with stakeholders, and improve the quality of the company’s business practices. It is these concepts of the Toyota Way business philosophy that have led to generation of profits. The student fails to address these concepts. The student further deviates from reality upon mentioning that stakeholder responsibility is achieved through the Toyota Way business philosophy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Stakeholder responsibility is brought about by the company’s development of strategic partnerships with different stakeholders to help in Toyota’s realization of business goals. However, the student is on point in his description of societal responsibility – geared at conservation of the environment. That should be the best description of societal responsibility in the context of the Toyota brand.
Question 2:On sustainable mobility, the student is keen on identifying that Toyota is committed to producing vehicles that will leave the smallest footprints possible in the environment; this is commendable. However, the student does not link this sustainable mobility with the company’s mission, which is the main question that needs to be addressed. How will the sustainable mobility help the company achieve its mission of becoming the most admired and respected company in the world?
Question 3 and 4:In the last two questions, th...
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