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Recommendations to Improve Ethical Policies

Essay Instructions:

Using the Business Ethics Check-Up Worksheet you completed in Week 5 of the course, write your draft of a 3-5 page paper, plus a cover page and a citations page, analyzing your Business Check-Up Worksheet and how you would improve the ethical policies/procedures of your company.

Please review the Rubric shown on the Week 8 assessment page before drafting your paper.

Your instructor will provide feedback, and your final paper is due during Week 8. Below is the grading breakdown of this assignment:

Business Ethics Check-Up Worksheet (Week 5): 20 points

Business Ethics Check-Up Rough Draft (Week 7): 30 points

Business Ethics Check-Up Final (Week 8): 100 points


Your final write-up will be graded on the following:

Purpose (10 points)

Content of policies and recommendations (50 points)*

Organization (10 points)

Feel and tone (10 points)

Grammar/spelling (10 points)

Length requirement (5 points)

Use and quality of references in APA (5 points)

*Note: The majority of your paper should focus on recommendations on how you would improve the ethical policies/procedures of your company.

You will upload your rough draft to the Instructor.

Please review the Rubric that appears on the Week 8 page before completing this assignment.


Business Ethics Check-Up Rough Draft

Business Ethics Check-Up Rough Draft

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Student completed a rough draft of the Business Ethics Check-Up Assignment.

30.0 pts

Total Points: 30.0

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Recommendations to Improve Ethical Policies Name Institutions Date Recommendations to Improve Ethical Policies Studies show that a positive work culture creates a superior value of the company to the shareholder. The firm's ethics plays a major role in creating a positive work culture and sustaining the said value. Today many consumers, employees, managers, business owners and stockholders expresses concern over the organization's ethics and all members inhibit high standards of conduct in the modern corporate environment. However, in most company the ethics issues have become a growing priority but a challenge to the business leaders especially when they try to organize the company in a manner that it embeds the ethical culture. To fully have ethical culture organizations need to focus on leadership, communication, and training. Implementing the above practices has a vital role in the firm's ability to achieve the best and getting an ethical performance culture. The existing environment does not allow the organization to get comfortable as it is ever evolving and changing. Thus even if there exists a healthy ethical culture within the company there are behaviors, attitudes decisions making patterns that may be improved. In our case scenario, the organization ethics system checks up revealed that the firm is not ethically healthy and neither is it poor but pretty good. This was after the checkup result amounted to the second tier of 30-59. Even though the firm was ethically pretty good, there are still areas of concern and hence improvement and recommendation to achieve the same. The following texts are going to analyze and suggest on how to improve the ethical procedures by giving recommendations for the organization. As observed above, even organization with the good ethical culture there still exist behaviors, attitudes and some decision-making strategies that need to be improved. This is achieved through a couple of ways depending on the organization and the area that needs improvement. An overview of the case scenario, there is so much inconsistency in "engagement and empowering employees, environmental management and in community outreach”, as observed in the organizational ethics system checkup. Although not the only areas with some weakness the rest were not as inconsistency. An organization which holds powerful work ethics supports a positive environment in which employees feel valued and safe and at the same time the organization value is supplemented. Through good leadership, the organization can develop an ethical culture that not only benefits the firm but also the shareholders and the individual staff in the firm. Some of the areas the case example is missing at are vital. In an environment where the global economy is preaching of carbon emission and environmentally sustainable companies, then the checkup results show that the firm needs to improve as soon as possible to avoid being sidelined. Environmental policies have been one of the measures of an organization's ethical sustainability among the shareholders and the outside world. Scoring poorly in this section prompt for action by the business leaders for the company. Below are some practices and measures that best fit the organization to improve its ethical policies and procedures. Employees Empowerment The real assets of an organization are the employees. Employees will take care of the other assets and functions which are needed for the organization to perform and maintain its competitive position. Thus when the employees are motivated and ethically cultured so will be the organization. Although the ethics system checkup suggests that employees are well taken care of, there is a need to work on the empowering and engaging the staff in the company. Employee engagement section scored poorly indicating a problem. Thus to improve on this section, employee empowerment is suggested, where according to Baron, & Greenberg, (1990) in order to develop a more ethical culture the organization need to create an environment that offers staff more power on t...
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