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Quantitative Research in Business: Critical Decision-Making

Essay Instructions:

A3.1 (Pre) Research Individual Written Paper: Quantitative Research in Business

After having completed the pre-readings for this module, pick ONE of the following two topics and develop a research and analysis paper:

Option 1) Choose a decision, process, or practice in your current/past job that could be/has been further improved by applying techniques from quantitative research. For example, creating a control randomized group and apply a treatment to isolate the effects of such treatment. Another example could be how personal biases or long-ill misconceptions from yourself, your team, your clients, your consumers drive behavior in your business that may not be the one that yields the most return on investment. Think of the Memorial Hermann Hospital from one of the readings who was tempted to allocate resources on improving the taste of the patient's food. Has your organization incurred such traps? What could you or your company do to systematically create an analytical and data-based decision-making culture?

Option 2) Find a scientific study of your interest and contrast it with how the media has translated the findings from researchers. Discuss critically if they have oversimplified a piece of the problem or a finding(s). Praise them for their good practice, which elements of the research were made much more accessible for the general population? Discuss which are the merits of having a third party producing a commentary/digested piece of original formal research. Discuss what are the dangers of business managers relying mainly on secondary and tertiary sources to obtain data and make decisions. Do you have a personal instance in which you, your boss, or your team were led to misconstrue the findings or data presented in a commentary/digested tertiary source report?

Word count and structure guidelines

500 to 700 words

Be sure to include an opening paragraph -five to six lines- that summarizes the entire paper. This is not an intro that describes what the paper is about, rather this is a full summary of the paper. Think of this, if my paper landed in the hands of busy executives, would they have a full understanding of what my analysis is, as well as my recommendations and why by just reading the opening paragraph?

Do not answer the paper in a Q&A format style. Rather use sections and sub-headings.

Strengthen your storytelling by using numbers and charts.

Scholarly academic sources:

As mentioned in the rubric, you MUST use sources outside of the ones given to you already in the pre-readings -you are welcome to source those too.

Be sure to include at LEAST two scholarly academic sources. e.g. journal articles or books.

Check the box for "peer-reviewed" while performing your search on Hult's Digital Library.


You are expected to produce a "new-to-the-world" analytical piece.

It is NOT OK to simply piece together the work of others.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Decision Making
Student’s Name
Due Date
Critical Decision Making
While secondary and tertiary sources are potential sources of business data synthesized from primary findings, there is a need to exercise caution when using such information to inform decision-making. An analysis of a New York Times article that cited a study conducted by Friedman et al. (2019) showed that the article does not capture the primary research findings in its entirety. Rather, Baumgaertner (2022) focused on increasing racial disparities in addiction treatment. Though the commentary in the New York Times article makes the primary study easy to understand, it fails to mention the various limitation of the study that would discourage the generalizability of the study. A manager should ensure that evidence-based decision-making is informed by a direct review of primary sources, as there is a hidden danger to reliance on secondary and tertiary sources as the drivers of decision-making.
Notably, Baumgartner's (2022) article oversimplifies the study findings and focuses a majority of the efforts toward racial disparities in addiction medication. Consequently, the New York Times article is oversimplified and does not provide sufficient information on the extent to which one can rely upon the study to make the decision. Notably, the article does not discuss the study limitation and how they affect the interpretation of the study findings. To this end, the article can be largely considered a sensational piece intended to evoke a reaction from the reader.
A significant merit of the New York article is that it simplifies the study findings in a way that is easy for a layman to follow. Baumgaertner (2022) eliminates the technical jargon that is in the primary source and straightforwardly presents the findings to the reader. Not only does the article provide the study findings, but it also detailed the process through which the researchers went through when collecting the data used to reach the findings. In such a way, the article has merits for a layman keen to get information on the topic
Notably, involving a third party in the production...
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