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The Purpose of Business Excellence in Organization’s Management Systems

Essay Instructions:

Find the meaning of Business excellence from any academic Journal.
1- Cite your academic Journal at the end of your answer.
2- Do not use Wikipedia site or any daily journal as a reference.

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Business Excellence
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Business Excellence
Business excellence involves the creation and fortification of an organization’s management systems. The purpose of business excellence is to improve the performance of an organization and create value (Dahlgaard et al., 2013). Achieving business excellence requires more than a quality system for an organization to achieve business excellence. It also needs good leadership, sufficient strategy, solid customer focus, proper information management, processes, human resources, and greater business results.
To have business excellence within your organization, it is important to understand how far you have set out towards achieving business excellence (Politis & Siskos, 2010). It would help if you asked a few questions to determine your organization’s reputation. For instance, when was the last time you analyzed your organization’s performance? How would your rate your organization’s performance in the previous four years? As an organization, are you a leader or laggard? Do you understand how you should compare your organization to others? Do you know what to measure? (Politis & Siskos, 2010).
Every organization wants to be a leader in its industry. However, doing so requires a good understanding of the factors that ensure high performance in organizations (Politis & Siskos, 2010). It is essential to understand what organizations with business excellence do to achieve greater results. What is it that these organizations do those others do not? How do these organizations do it? Once you have understood what high-performing businesses do to achieve their results, you can begin redesigning your organization’s brand and strategy to achieve business excellence (Politis & Siskos, 2010).
Extensive research has been conducted on how organizations with business excellence set out to achieve their success. The research puts business operators and owners in a suitable place as they do not have to do their research (Lu et al., 2011). The instruments of success are set out in a list of business excellence core values. Business excellence core values or concepts are the beliefs, attributes, and behaviors that an organization with business excellence exhibits (Lu et al., 2011).
One of these values/concepts is visionary leadership (Lu et al., 2011). The leaders within an organization ought to set directions and create clear and focused values and expectations for their workforce. The values, directions, and expectations of an organization should meet the needs of all stakeholders. The second value/concept is customer-driven excellence. The quality and performance of an organization are judged by its customers (Lu et al., 2011). Hence, an organization should consider the product features and access modes that produce value for customers.
The third value/concept is personal and organizational learning. Owners and operators require proper personal and corporate learning (Lu et al., 2011). Personal learning involves sharing knowledge through systematic processes, while organizatio...
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