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How the New Covid-19 Variant Named Omicron will Disrupt China’s Economy

Essay Instructions:

Principal Theme of article One paragraph
Key Strategic Issue (s) Two-three paragraphs
Implications for Industry/sector/country Two-three paragraphs
Personal Commentary One-two paragraphs
The purpose of these learning activities is to teach you to read critically, develop a balanced view and to be able to present your views in a concise manner. You must stay within these guidelines. Answers which exceed the noted page limit of 1.5 pages per article WILL NOT be marked and will receive a 0 grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Article 1: Omicronomics
Principal Theme of the Article
The principal theme illustrates how the new Covid-19 variant named omicron will disrupt China’s economy(The Economist, 2021). For example, to limit the number of infections in the country, the government has instituted tough restrictions on several sectors to reduce the infections. A number of these restrictions have been adopted in business travels.
Key Strategic Issues
The first strategic issue in this article is how the government has instituted a strict policy dubbed ‘zero tolerance’ to curb the spread of the omicron. Under this policy, there are limited and tight rooms for movement and gathering, and the number of international travels has been reduced (The Economist, 2021). The second issue is how this new variant infection could threaten the economy's recovery since most of the business sectors are struggling.
Implications to the Industry/Sector/Country
Since China’s economy has been growing slower in the past few years, the continued disruptions by this virus will set back the country's economy from recovery. For example, the restrictions that have been put in place by the government to control the infections will likely squeeze out the emerging markets since they are also facing the challenge posed by the tight American monetary policies (The Economist, 2021). Moreover, the increased lockdowns will likely hurt innovation and hospitality as the country will likely lag in the services provided in these sectors.
Personal Commentary
In my personal opinion, I think that China’s government is being inconsiderate about the impact of the restrictions they have imposed in their country. They should lessen these strict restrictions and open up their markets while taking additional measures to control the spread.
Article 2: Wider Welcome
Principal Theme of the Article
This article is based on three vital principal themes, namely; the immigration to Canada, the drive to kick out Covid-19 by players such as Lionel Messi, and an analysis of the Domino effect in Guatemala’s courts whereby they seem to be backsliding to curb corruption(The Economist, 2021).
Key Strategic Issues
This article has three key issues; the first is on immigration in Canada, whereby the government is welcoming more immigrants in the country. On this, the article captures how immigrants are the key to the country's economic recovery and can result in the attainment of the long-term prosperity dream (The Economist, 2021). Second, the article outlines how several players are at the forefront of kicking Covid-19 by encouraging supporting the vaccination of players and fans. In this, the critical focus is laid on one of the best players in the world, Lionel Messi, and how he has contributed to numerous vaccinations in South America; lastly, how the Guatemala courts are struggling to curb the increased corruption cases.
Implications to the Industry/Sector/Country
Suppose the three strategic issues in this article are addressed. In that case, there is likely to be a high source of labor in Canada as the immigrants will provide cheap and readily available labor. In addition, the country's economy is expected to grow at a higher rate (The Economist, 2021). Alternatively, the increased effort by players is likely to result in numerous vaccinations,which will help control the rate of infections. Lastly, since the Guatemala courts have identified the increased corruption cases, they are likely to institute several measures to curb this vice.
Personal Commentary
From my point of view on the issues addressed in this article, I can say that Canada is making the right move towards its economic recovery. Alternatively, the players' move to support the vaccination jab against Covid-19 is a good move as fewer infections will also be reduced.
Article 3: Make Coal History
Principal Theme of the Article
This article's central theme is to celebrate how coal is declining in wealthy Western nations as the raw material for running most machines. Since the use of coal accounts for most greenhouse gases, reducing its use is an aspect that calls for celebration (The Economist, 2020).
Key Strategic Issues
This article captures the benefits that could come up with the recent decline in the use of coal, such as the expected goal to reduce the global temperatures to 2° C above the average industrial temperatures (The Economist, 2020). It analyzes how the availability of other alternatives such...
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