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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Essay Instructions:
Select an advertisement (from any media). Develop a two- to three-page paper in the correct APA writing style and assess the following characteristics of the ad: Does it effectively communicate the products benefits: Does it differentiate the product from the competitors' products? If so, how? Identify the market segment targeted in the ad – is the ad directed toward the appropriate market segment? Could the ad be redesigned to have more universal appeal without sacrificing its effectiveness at the target segment? Are there any aspects of the ad that might trigger negative emotions towards the product? Based on this analysis, provide recommendations for a new (and improved) advertisement. Include a minimum of 2-4 resources; 1 resource must be peer reviewed. List the resources in the correct APA writing style.
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This study is done to show various aspects of an advertisement and how they can be used for promotion. It will be using the aspects that are portrayed in the Lebron James Sprite Commercial- Sprite Spark Park. The advertisement is meant to advertise and create sales for the Sprite soda. The advertisement is full of energy and it brings out the essence and meaning of the advert. Sprite used Lebron James because he is a common figure in the game of Basketball and his impact on the commercial is essential. The study will show the benefits of an advertisement and how to capture a market segment.
The advertisement clearly communicates that it is advertising Sprite soda, and is trying to show the benefit of drinking a Sprite soda or being associated with it. The boy who is off clearly shows that he is holding a bottle of Sprite; this is seen by the logo on the bottle. By taking a sip of the soda, it is self-explanatory to mean that Sprite is capable to quench thirst or be used as an energy drink. When the boy takes the sip, it seems as if the Sprite transforms Lebron and gives him extreme power to get back on the game.
The fact that the Basketball court and boards were constructed and dedicated to Sprite makes an indication that Sprite gives back to the community by Sports sponsorship. The community is able to benefit from the sales that Sprite make by it giving back to the community by building sports venues. Sprite also gains the publicity by putting up the facilities and sponsoring athletes; like in this case Lebron James gets support from Sprite. By so doing both, Coca cola Company, and the clients benefit.
The advertisement is also associated with prestige; this is seen by the packaging and organization of the court. Clients would like to be associated with a cute and appealing commodity and this factor is brought forward by the advertisement. The clientele benefits from the commodity because it creates the act of socializing and fun. The sprite soda is seen as a commodity that promotes fun, and this is the basis of the advertisement shot on a basketball court where it is seen to bring much joy to both the playe...
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