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Promotion, Influencers, and Ethics: A Wake-Up Call to End Animal Brutality

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Module 2 - SLP


Assignment Overview

Ethics and Social Responsibility

When huge corporations or their leaders have ethical lapses, they often become worldwide headlines. Some companies survive the negative publicity, but others do not recover. On the other hand, when organizations do the right thing or give back to communities, they may not receive as much coverage. Let us consider Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a part of our marketing toolbox.

Session Long Project 2 Resources

The Influence of Advertising (2022)

Managing a Socially Responsible Business (2022)

Trends in Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (2022)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (2022)

Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship (2022)

Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship (2022)

Emerging Trends in Ethics, CSR, and Compliance (2022)

SLP Assignment Expectations

Writing an Online Article

Research a company that is doing good things for the community, a cause, a group, or the environment. Write a 300- to 350-word article that communicates how this company/organization is giving back and being socially responsible. The article is part of a marketing promotion or a way to strengthen the brand and support its message. It may be written in 1st person plural (we, our) as if you are an employee of the company.

Include at least two Hashtags for the article. You may want to search for a hashtag generator to help.

Insert three hyperlinks within the article linked to authoritative sources on the subject and one linked to the source used to write this project. Be sure that the article or site to which you are linking is a quality source with which the company wants to be connected. How to insert a hyperlink.

Hyperlinks at work: A Trident undergraduate degree and graduation are not far off. Soon, you will be hanging your diploma and moving on to the next chapter in your career.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Promotion, Influencers, and Ethics
Institution Affiliation
A Wake-up Call to end Animal Brutality.
People For Ethical Treatment of Animals ( PETA) is an organization that opposes speciesism and a human-supremacist worldview. It focuses on laboratories, the clothing trade, and entertainment, where animals suffer the most. /about-peta/. Further, PETA fights for animal rights through our slogan; Animals are not ours to eat, experiment, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any way. Subsequently, PETA informs science, the public, and policymakers to treat animals with the kindness they deserve. 
We believe animals are sacred and should be cared for through nurturing and nature. However, We’ve all seen animals brutally abused for science and experimentation. Animals have long been used as experiments meant for human beings in the laboratory under the argument that they are reliable and offer enough structure for human disease and biology, which results in relevant information useful to human beings Doi: 10.1017/S0963180115000079. Animals such as pigs and rabbits had to endure the pain and torture of being experimented on in rather a world that was meant to be peaceful and serene for them to live in. How cruel can human beings get to be towards animals?
Significantly, We have seen the fashion industry kill and make millions out of innocent animals. Small animals such as sheep are caged for years and are finally killed after extracting their wool. Further, birds are brutally hunted, and their feathers are plucked to make a fashion statement. Others, such as cows a...
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