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LDR-600 Assignment Paper: Professional Development Plan

Essay Instructions:

please see attachment for further instruction. Use the "Professional Development Plan" document to complete the assignment. Refer to "Essential Leadership Competencies" for additional information.
APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is always expected. For all assignment delivery options, documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Essential Leadership Competencies


  1. Self-leadership provides an opportunity to achieve your objectives through your own thinking, feelings, and behaviors. Self-reflection is a necessary tool to improve the way you function as a leader. How do you plan to practice methods of self-reflection that contribute to the development of how you lead?
  2. Recognition of characteristics of professional excellence plays a key role during interviews and performance evaluations. These characteristics must be visible to colleagues and stakeholders in order for you to benefit from them. Which characteristics of professional excellence do you currently have? Which characteristics of professional excellence do you want to have?
  3. Emotional and social intelligence skills translate to communication skills. Leaders who are able to access their emotional center have an advantage over leaders who only rely on intellect. Emotional and social intelligence can be an area of significant personal growth.
  4. Continued professional development delivers benefits to individuals, their profession, their community, and possibly the world at large. Most notably, continued professional development keeps you desirable in your current position and attractive to potential employers, if needed.
  5. Organizational responses to change in the workplace are the result of individual leaders who are employed within the organization. As a leader, the ability to manage change is essential. How can you demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in response to changing or unknown circumstances?

Leading Others

  1. An effective leader has followers and inspires them. This relationship is mutually beneficial. Leaders and followers support each other in order to achieve goals, vision, or objectives. How do you plan to inspire followership through the utilization of leadership and motivation theories?  
  2. Diversity can be a strength within a team and organization. First, diversity must be recognized and leveraged as a strength. Diversity provides fresh ideas and perspective for a team or organization. How will you analyze people's strengths in order to leverage diversity to improve performance outcomes?
  3. Communication and collaboration are increasingly important in a global and digital environment. Effective communication and collaboration among different stakeholders are prevalent in the workplace to meet business goals. What strategies for effectively leading teams and fostering collaboration among various stakeholders will you apply?
  4. A great leader seeks to coach and guide in order to develop leadership qualities in others. Most leaders have had the opportunity to be coached by other great leaders. Coaching others enables people to improve their performance. What are some methods of coaching and providing guidance that help develop leadership qualities in others?

Leading an Organization

  1. Analyzing organizational behavior can drive innovative change and encourage organizational growth, including improved outcomes. When new leadership is established, the leader often sets a vision. The leader must evaluate systematic interdependencies among individuals, team, and departments to inform their vision and apply innovation to improve organizational outcomes.

How can you develop and communicate a compelling vision to guide organizational development? How do you plan to analyze organizational behavior to determine systemic interdependencies among individuals, teams, and departments? How do you plan to integrate creativity and innovation to improve organizational outcomes through leadership?

  1. New and existing leadership requires the leader and the followers to be of the same mind. How can you foster a climate of learning and development within an organization?
  2. Organizational responses to technological advances and economic shifts contribute to change in the workplace. What strategies can be utilized for implementing and managing change within an organization?

Leading as Vocation

  1. Numerous historical and recent events provide examples of leaders that did and did not understand they had a moral obligation to lead with kindness, compassion, and justice for the good of followers and the community. The outcomes of these events may directly and indirectly affect you, your peers, the community, and society. What are some guidelines to ensure you lead with moral obligation for the good of followers and the community? How do you intend to lead with kindness, compassion, and justice?
  2. Leaders who consider leadership their vocation consider it a service to others and for the common good. How do you intend to implement leadership as a service to others that promotes the common good and contributes to the benefits of communities and society at large?



Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professional Development Plan
Leadership as a vocation requires a commitment to professional excellence and integrity, which can be achieved through establishing habits of self-reflection, life-long learning, and professional development. The purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect on where you currently are in your leadership capabilities; define where you want to go; and specify goals, plans, and a timeframe for achieving your professional objectives. Your professional development plan will be composed of three parts: Vision, Goals/Objectives, and Plans.
The ability to create, communicate, and compel vision is critical to inspiring and effective leadership. While ultimately many leaders are responsible for developing visions to guide complex organizations, effective leadership begins on a much more personal level—a vision of yourself as a leader. Who are you and who do you want to become in your field or sphere of influence? Once you are clear about that, you can then confidently establish how you will help others and your organization achieve their visions.
Your leadership vision is based on a number of factors including your attitude, values, personal beliefs, guiding principles, and how you behave. It may also be influenced by theoretical, philosophical, or religious frameworks and the leadership traits, values, and behaviors of others. A leadership vision is also dynamic. No great leader ever "arrived." Those who have adopted leadership as their vocation can spend a lifetime in self-reflection in order to continue to learn and more effectively motivate and inspire others.
Spend some time reflecting below on where you currently are in your leadership capabilities, what you have learned about leadership in the course, and how you want to develop and improve as you continue your leadership studies and move forward in your field. Review the document “Essential Leadership Competencies” for an overview of the scope of effective leadership capabilities.
It’s my desire to be the best business leader. Two years ago I started a business enterprise in which I was selling shoes to the residents in my community. Within the first one month I made very low sales, a factor which almost discouraged me from the business. I almost closed down the business. After a series of consultations with other businesses who were next to where I was doing business, they advised me on employing effective communication skills with my customers. I took the advice and implemented good communication with my customers. By the third month of the business the number of customers had tripled as compared to the total customers I received in the first month. By the end of the same year, I was able to open up a boutique. Currently, I run four boutiques with 10 employees who help me operate the business. My ability to encourage my employees and training them on the relevant skills of communications with customers has made me think widely. Currently, I have a plan of starting up my shoe company, in our city.

Then, in 300-500 words, briefly articulate your vision for yourself as a leader 3-5 years from now. Where do you want to be? What kind of leader do you want to become?
My first vision is to open the company within the next one year. To expand the company within the next two years with a variety of shoes. Within the next 3 years I should have, more than two branches within my country. Within this period, I should also be able to access partners to invest more in my several branches established within the country so that the business grows at a faster rate. Within the first five years, I should be able to expand my business and operate it. I should be able to sell over 50% of the total stoke monthly.
I shall require to learn the skills to integrate creativity and innovation to improve organizational outcomes within the first three years. I shall require to understand and develop key analytical skills in analyzing international markets. I shall need to understand the global business Dynamics. I shall need to have excellent skills to analyze markets and choose the best market. I shall need to understand the business legal systems, how governments regulate businesses. I shall need to understand the skills to make right business judgments especially in deciding the best course of action needed in prevailing business markets or situations for instance, in the case of confronting employees when they exhibit inappropriate behaviors without stressing them.
I shall be able to develop excellent communication skills, use the skills to attract potential customers of the company. I shall use the same communication skills to talk to employees encourage them to ensure that they put their best into what they do. I should develop g...
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