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Book About Business and Communication Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Select a recent book (within the past five years) about some aspect of business and/or communication. An outline will be provided to guide content.any book from 2010 or 2015
Structure: to receive maximum points, the an essay should be clear and well structured with an introduction, main body and conclusion. Ideas should flow logically and be supported by content from the report.
Content: It should fully meet the terms of the brief and address any issues raised. Content should be critical as well as descriptive and based on the content submitted in the written report. Content should be interesting and informative. References should be included as needed and follow APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Book about Business and Communication
In the book “Business and Professional Communication in a Digital Age, “Waldeck, Kearney, & Plax (2012) argue that today’s workers need to develop professional communication competence to be more competitive. Unlike before, the digital age has altered the way organizations undertake business and professional communication. Potential recruits can differentiate themselves from their peers using digital technology communication. In the workplace, employers have also embraced the digital world and this has influenced how meetings take place especially when there are presentations made using the new media. The authors support their views by highlighting how the business environment influences the communication process. This review highlights the opportunities and challenges of using digital media to enhance communication competence in the workplace.
Even in business communication there is a need to identify the thesis statement when making business presentations, and this depends on the ability of the speaker to emphasize the specific purpose of the communication. I agree with the authors’ premise that persuasive speakers first assess the willingness of the audience to change, since people react to call for change causes resistance. “You can convey the central idea of your persuasive presentation by identifying how you want to influence your audience,” (Waldeck, Kearney, & Plax, 2012). Since communication involves sharing information while seeking understanding and meaning active listening is necessary to avoid misunderstandings (Ober, & Hillson, 2001). Employees have adapted to changes in 21st century by communicating professionally while relying on digital technology to ease communication.
Communication begins with the self since one holds a certain perception that is associated with the self-concept. The book also highlights the link between self-concept and self-awareness as people need to evaluate themselves in relation to others for there to be effective communication. Using digital media can reduce miscommunication through enhancing the audience comprehension during presentations. Communicators who are aware about the audience needs frame their message to reach out to them and bridge communication gaps (Zachry, 2000). However, the text also challenged my views on how self-awareness affects communication, with the authors highlighting that a person’s self-talk influence how they listen and perceive the communication process (Waldeck, Kearney, & Plax, 2012).
Digital media plays a crucial role when speakers use visual representations to arouse interest and without distracting them from the main message and intention of communication.
New technologies have made it easier to communicate with a wider audience, and options such as Skype have allowed communicators to converse in a convenient way despite being in different locations. The text highlights that just like any other technology there is potential for misuse of technology and this has an issue in personal communication that I have encountered and it affects business communication. Now more than ever before cultural competence has allowed people working in global organizations to communicate more effectively (Goodall, Goodall, & Schiefelbein, 2009). When using digital technology those who lack cultural sensitivity will also find it difficult to communicate with people from diverse and differ backgrounds..“ We arent’ necessarily prepared to work ...
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