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My Product Is Marketing Plan For Beats By Dre Speakers

Essay Instructions:

My product is Marketing Plan for Beats by Dre Speakers
Your planning is now complete and the only remaining task is the creation of an implementation plan. This is, without doubt, the most critical phase of the planning process, as it is the gateway to actually generating profitable revenue.
Review your Week 2 though Week 7 submissions looking for information that either needs to be included in your implementation plan or is somehow relevant to your implementation plan. This information, along with other actions that are necessary to bringing your product/service to market, should be placed in the order in which they have to occur. For example, some of you are using retailers, so action item would have to be choosing and signing up the appropriate retailers, and this would have to occur before the action of shipping the product or running any advertisements you have planned.
A good message on marketing implementation can be found at the link below:
Lautenslager, Al. (Mar 27, 2005). Implementation: The key to effective marketing. Entrepreneur. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
I will upload marketing plan week 2-7 on Monday

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Beat by Dre Pill speaker is that stands out over the rest of the products in the market. This is relative to the fact that it is portable and also offer the clients a long-lasting battery life, this means that they are able to listen to their favorite tunes anywhere and for long hours uninterrupted by low power prompts (Taylor, 2017). the product comes in a rounded pill shaped form for the ease of handling and portability. It also comes in a wide range of colors for the customers to choose from. It is a product that is targeted at the population between the age of 20 and 45. This is a population that is technology savvy, within Nigeria. The campaign to sell the pill is targeted to be sold over the company website and the social media where most of the clients are going to be active (Lautenslager, 2017). This is a strong product and the marketing plans in place to make sure that it reaches a wide customer base have been developed.
The purpose of the implementation plan is to make sure that the marketing plan is successful in the new country (Taylor, 2017). The speakers have not been introduced in the Nigerian market before and as such the implementation plan is a crucial part of the success of the company in the country. Given that, this is a technologically motivated product, it is crucial that the persons the in the market are targeted (The State of Queensland, 2017). It is through the implementation plan that the various market segments are addressed and the various adjustments made to accommodate any changes (Lautenslager, 2017).
Product description
The Beat by Dre Pill, is a versatile product and one the is inspired by technology. This is a speaker that highly portable, offering the customers the ability to carry to their place of work, around the house and even outdoor when relaxing. It is a speaker that shaped in a manner that it allows the users to better handle the same and even fit in the hand and the bag with ease. At the height of the versatility of the product is the performance the speaker offers (Lautenslager, 2017). While the speaker is small and portable, it offers crisp quality sound that has been tuned by the best sound engineers in the market to bring life to the favorite tunes. Whether playing from the personal computer, tablet or even the smartphone, the customers are given quality sound and more importantly professionally tuned sound and flexibility in reference to connectivity options. It is also a product that offers the clients the benefit of a lasting battery. As such the clients can listen to their favorite tunes for long hours.
Project references
By the end of the implementation plan, deliverables such as growth in the market relative to the competition, customer awareness of the product, sales of an estimated 6 million dollars a...
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