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Three Factors that Influence Employee Motivation

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Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Part A
1 Three factors that influence employee motivation
The three factors that affect employee motivation include money, career advancement opportunities, and stability.
Money: money is a source of employee motivation regarding good remunerations, salaries, and wages. Even though every employee does not depend on money, employers should pay the workers good salaries and wages apart from other terms of remunerations to entice them and engage them at work. However, money should not be the primary source of motivation. Instead, money becomes a platform for employers to create ample environment for workers to perform diligently at work and contribute as members of the same team. For example, employees getting minimum salaries and wages about their work feel less motivated than workers who get good salaries about their inputs and efforts. A situation of poor employee remuneration is currently causing problems at Walmart Enterprise where employees get low motivation due to less payment regarding wages (Joshua, 2015).
Career opportunities: the potential for improvement in a career is an essential way to motivate employees. Employees who are aware of the likelihood of reward in regards to performance are highly motivated since there is a chance of promotion. Therefore, the employees are striving to give high-quality results at their present positions. Thus, employers usually recognize the efforts and hard work of employees besides creating opportunities for growth. For example, most employees with no career opportunities feel less motivated since they have no career development and progress of their skills. Also, Express Script Inc records dismal performance due to lack of motivation of employees. In addition to the low wages given to the employees, there is a tendency of minimal development regarding their career. The culture of the organization does not conform to the goals of the employees. The management does not conduct important aspects such as training, promotion or any other activities that sharpen their skills, improve their responsibilities and credibility (Heathfield, 2016).
Stability: stability in life is important to anybody whether at home or work. Therefore, employees feel motivated in situations of better job securities that contribute stability. Therefore, most employers promote a sense of stability at work places by assuring productive employees of their positions, appreciating their efforts through promotion and assuring the employees of their job security. For example, Costco Wholesale Corporation is a commercial firm that offers training to employees as well as promotion apart from offering vacations, paid holidays and paid sick leaves among others to motivate its employees (Entis, 2014).
2 Three Motivation Theories
The motivation of employees' works determines the level of performance and the overall output of an enterprise hence improvement in productivity.
Abraham Maslow’s theory on Hierarchy of needs; Abraham Maslow suggested that employees’ motivation of needs is a pyramid whereby at the base of the pyramid, employees have to fulfill the physiological needs before moving to safety needs, belongingness and love, esteem needs and self-actualization (McLeod, 2016). Therefore, needs such as food, air, drink, warmth, sleep, shelter and sex make a person seek employment to earn money to fulfill such needs. However, employees with no motivation are unable to meet such basic needs. For example, the Wal Mart Inc pay its workers' low wages and salaries hence the workers fail to satisfy the physiological needs and remain with a surplus to maintain their livelihood. Thus, the workers are in constant strikes and are dissatisfied with the management of the premise (Pendola, 2014).
The Henry Herzberg’s Two Factor Motivation Theory. ...
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