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Product, Advertising, and Brand in Organizational Architecture

Essay Instructions:

The questions should be written succinctly, using the proper terminology appropriate for a graduate-level class and showing all work for questions that call for calculation: use Brickley, J., Smith, C., & Zimmerman, J. (2009). Managerial economics and organizational architecture (5th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin Chapters 10-16 as references for each question in addition to other references.

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Product, Advertising and Brand
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1 Discuss how organizational architecture and corporate culture are related. Use an example of a real-life firm and discuss how its corporate culture blends with its organizational architecture.
An organization is a group of people who are working together towards a specific goal achievement. In order to achieve their goals, a structure that organizes their work activities efficiently needs formation, thus, organizational architecture. Organizational structure is the process of recognizing aspects of a company that defines how operational departments are run, controlled, work specialization and chain of management operates while organizational culture is the identification of a company through its beliefs, behaviors and values that its employees practice and share within the organization. An organization that combinations this procedure is my current company. Their beliefs or principles and culture that the company practices daily is all in the architecture. For example, the company believes in sharing, fair treatment of customers, employ benefits and hiring decisions. How do we do this within the company? We offer very substantial bonuses, if the organization does well entirely so does its workers. The management also arranges for us company trips and open mealtimes. The company make sure the wealth sharing involves everyone in the organization. The corporate culture is so easy that it blends with the organizational architecture without struggle CITATION Bri09 \l 1033 (Brickley, 2009).
2 Billy Riggan is in charge of all technical developments at Always Round Tire. He makes all the choices concerning product innovations in the company. He finds that he is overworked and that several of his research scientists seem to be spending work hours playing tennis. What is going on? 
Billy Riggan is a hardworking, focused and dedicated employee of Always Round Tire. From the information given, it seems that other staff members are taking advantage off over Billy Riggan. This is called free riding and the other team members are free riders. Free rider problem occurs in organizations which some of its employees work less than others thus resulting to a situation where few employees such as Billy Riggan are doing double the assigned job and earning the same salary with on more payment for the double work they have to do. Since Billy is in charge of the technical development team, he feels the pressure and responsibility of doing the job when no one is willing to carry out his or her employment responsibility. Billy fears to forward his team members to higher-level management team because it may indicate a bad reflection of his managerial skills and cost him in one way or another. To handle free riding, Billy needs to create regulations that other team players should follow and practice to get the job done. Creation of job assignment and daily job evaluation schedule to avoid free riding. There should be consequences for those who do not carry out their responsibilities
3 Always Round Tire tries to base its promotions on seniority (where education and training requirements are not necessary). The company finds that this system seems to work most of the time with shop floor supervisors and team managers. But the system breaks down for higher-level positions. Why? 
Seniority refers to the length of time an individual as worked in the company, in its various departments, plants, or in a particular position. Promoting employees on consideration of their seniority can be effective if the incentive is to compensate workers' for their experience over the years of service and loyalty to the firm. However, this has never been an effective way to promote workers into higher-level positions due to various reasons. One of the reason being, promotion structure founded on seniority for higher organization management positions can in fact lead to a reduction in productivity for certain workers' propelled into high level positions where their effectiveness cannot handle the extra responsibilities CITATION Lam12 \l 1033 (Lamb, 2012). In this case, there is high chances of reduction in the employee's morale. Another possible disadvantage is that some hard-working, devoted, ambitious workers may not be patient enough to wait and toil their way over the different necessary levels of rank before they proof their full work capability. In addition, managers lean on employing over qualified fresher employees so that they can work their way up the ranking ladder. For the system not to break down, employing over qualified employees in the early stages and lower levels should be effective. This is because selection and promotion process to higher-level management positions will not be successful if seniority based promotion is exclusively used as the company will not be getting the best and the brightest, but the one ha...
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