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Problems Encountered by Decision-Makers

Essay Instructions:

Section 1) Requirements (also located in the syllabus and Session 10 slides)

Teams will select a case that is researched in depth and applied to their current organization (or an existing organization you gain knowledge through research). For this assignment, each team will create a research paper (10 pages max) and a PowerPoint presentation.

Therefore, the Research Paper should not just be a summary of the case.  As per requirements, teams will select a case that is researched in depth and applied to their current organization (or an existing organization you gain knowledge of through research. The whole idea of the paper is to analyze and summarize the case, then compare it to another organization and provide recommendations for improvements.

For example, find an organization that had similar issues. See how they solved it. Did their solutions match and support the recommendations that you are proposing? If it does, then state why you agree and use the other organization and research (citations) to support and strengthen your recommendations. If it does not, provide your own recommendations and reasons why you chose them and use research (citations) to support and strengthen your recommendations. When providing recommendations be sure to state why you chose them and provide research (citations) that supports and strengthens your recommendations.

If there are recommendations provided in the case, you may use them. If you agree with the recommendations provided in the case, then state why you agree and use the other organization and research (citations) to support and strengthen your recommendations. If you disagree with the recommendations provided in the case, then provide your own recommendations and reasons why you chose them and use research (citations) to support and strengthen your recommendations.

Section 2) Case Analysis Guidelines (also located in the syllabus and Session 10 slides)

Companies: AT&T + Blackberry / Nokia

Presentation -

1. Cover/Title Page – Include Case Study Title, Student Names, Date of Submission

2. Executive Summary/Abstract - A two paragraph to one page overview of what is contained within. Includes explanation of the recommendations. Shelly

3. Introduction – The introduction should include an organization overview and brief summary of the key problems and issues of the case study. Nurda

4. Problem Statement - Rank ordered hierarchy of the problems facing the organization. Explain why these are the problems, why you have rank ordered them as such, and provide some further details about the nature of each problem. Together

  1. 1.    Good Decision Makers Adapt Their Decision Criteria to the Circumstances (1) - Nurda
  2. 2.    Good Decision Makers Develop Sources of Trusted, High-Quality Data and Information (4) - Nurda
  3. 3.    Good Decision Makers Show Discipline (1) - Joe
  4. 4.    Good Decision Makers Treat Those Affected by Decisions as Customers (2) - Joe
  5. 5.    Good Decision Makers Rate the Quality of a Decision Based on Results (2.5) - Joe
  6. 6.    Good Decision Makers Recognize That Making a Decision Is Only the Beginning (1) - Shelly
  7. 7.    Good Decision Makers Avoid Easy Traps Exacerbated by the Information Age (3) - Shelly

5. Alternatives - Provide a list of possible strategic alternatives the organization can take to solve its problems. Evaluate each alternative and identify the relative advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. Like the list above

6. Recommendations – Determine and state your choice for the best course of action. Determine if your recommendation is feasible from a technical, operational, and financial standpoint. Provide an explanation of why you made this selection and an explanation of why other alternatives were not selected. Like the list above - each should write if the solution is good or not

7. Conclusion – Include a conclusion that summarizes the main points of the paper. Joe

8. References – Use a separate page to list the references. Every source mentioned in the paper should have an entry.

Section 3) APA Style - Follow APA style when composing your Midterm paper. See APA example in NYU Classes.

- The body of the paper should be between 8 - 10 pages. This does not including cover page, table of contents, abstract, and references.

- Paragraphs should be between 3-5 sentences.

- Paper should be narrative not bullet points.

- Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and grammatical tense.

- Avoid using clichés, slang, or idiomatic expressions.

- The Conclusion should summarize the main points of the paper and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

- Avoid using Wikipedia, blogs, newspapers, magazines, and similar websites as they are not appropriate scholarly references.

- The paper body should include in-text citations which correspond to the entries in your Reference section.

- Use references (8-10) to strengthen depth of research and to thoroughly cover the key elements of the topic and to strengthen/backup your recommendations.

- Check sensitivity index. Address sensitivity issues by paraphrasing, summarizing or using direct quotes.

- Direct quotes should be used sparingly as a way to substantiate your point of view on the topic

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Team Case Study
Student’s Name
Team Case Study
Problem 3: Decision makers let emotions interfere with their decision-making
           Decision-makers are characterized by an array of emotions such as anger, passion, fear, (they are human after all). There is nothing wrong with experiencing emotions. The problem comes in when they cannot control these emotions while making decisions. According to Redman (2008), when emotions are involved in the decision-making process, the decision-maker loses sight of the end goal.
           Nokia’s failure in the mobile phone business was also a result of fear. According to O'Connor (2017), Nokia’s corporate leaders were scared of losing the company's market shares and its position as a market leader. They acted on this fear which spread to the middle management and every decision-maker was soon afraid of losing Nokia’s position in the market. 
The importance of keeping emotions in check is a recommendation given by Redman (2008). Emotions affect how decisions are made and when people act based on their emotions, they are bound to fail. 
Alternative: As Redman (2008) indicates, the possible alternative to ensuring that decision-makers are not influenced by their emotion is to create systems and processes, such as information systems, that help individuals in the organization make better decisions. These systems and processes ensure that managers are making informed, better decisions even when their emotions get in the way. However, managers still need to keep their emotions in check and as such, this alternative is insufficient. 
Recommendation: Good Decision Makers Show Discipline
           It is revealed that good decision-makers do not let their emotions influence their decision-making ability (Redman, 2008). They learn how to detach from their emotions. This can be achieved through adopting a rational approach. A rational approach requires a level of commitment from the individual. According to Wray (2020), commitment allows individuals to make a rational, informed decision and stick to it regardless of their emotions. A rational approach helps make the emotions irrelevant to the decision. 
Problem 4: Decision-makers focus on some stakeholders and ignore others
      Decisions affect many people who are affiliated with the organization directly or indirectly. Yet, many decision-makers or organizations ignore some of these people and focus on others. For instance, Nokia’s failure has also been attributed to its failure to focus on its entire stakeholders. 
The decision-makers focused on shareholders and competitors while making key decisions (O'Connor, 2017). Yet, it would have been able to focus on other courses of action if it had focused on all stakeholders affected by its decision. Instead, it focused on shareholders and competitors and the results were significant loss of market shares. 
Alternative: There are no alternatives to this problem. Decision-makers have to focus on all stakeholders. As Kaplan and Owen (2019) reveal, even investors are interested in organizations that serve the interests of all stakeholders. They understand that treating every person affected by a decision with great importance is the key to improving the bottom line.
Recommendation: Good Decision Makers Treat Those Affected by ...
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