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Characteristics of Gen Z and Why they are a Different Target Market

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Prompt: Please answer both question for part 1). 1. What are the distinguishable characteristics of Gen Z? 2. How has social media and group influence helped to define Generation Z? At least 250 words stating your perspective, opinion, or rebuttal. Include at least one (1) source to substantiate your position, cited in APA format. . 2) Please refer to the article above on Gen Z. Discussion Questions What makes the Generation Z so much different as a target market than generations before? At least 250 words stating your perspective, opinion, or rebuttal. Include at least one (1) source to substantiate your position, cited in APA format.

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Marketing Assignment
Institutional Affiliation
Marketing Assignment
Part 1
Distinguishable characteristics of Gen Z
Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, iGeneration, or post-millennials, is tagged as the greatest opportunity for organizations as a talent for the workforce and new consumers. One distinguishable characteristic about Gen Z is that while they are detail-oriented and self-driven, they often experience workloads piling up because they are always on their smartphones. This characteristic of Gen Z mirrors the millennials in many ways. For instance, similar to the millennials, Gen Z is always connected to their peers through technological platforms such as social networking sites, texting, and instant-messaging tools. These two generations seem to be comfortable and satisfied communicating online with their peers. Nevertheless, Gen Z differs from the millennials in the way they seek help from the government to resolve their challenges. According to the 2018 survey data, the latter generation prefers consulting individuals and businesses when needs arise. According to Babin and Harris (2022), another distinguishing feature of Gen Z is that they have limited attention spans, but at the same time attentive to sales pitches.
How social media and group influence have helped define Generation Z
Social media and group influence are defining phenomena of Generation Z. Fromm (2018) has found that Gen Z has been proactive in using social media in transforming their social lives. They portray a genuine desire to make a difference in the world, are conscious about their communities, and for this reason, Gen Z has been labeled “Philanthroteens.” This generation has used the power of social media and group influence in making changes in communities, such as raising awareness for individuals who were fighting against the Dakota Access Pipeline implementation. Fromm (2018) says that in this campaign that was launched on a Facebook page, "Standing Rock Indian Reservation," over a million people joined.
Part 2
What makes Generation Z so much different as a target market than generations before

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