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Personal Strategic Plan. Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Write a Personal Strategic Plan defined as: "How a person navigates his/her surrounding landscape to achieve his/her objectives. Requires a clear understanding and definition of his/her strengths and competitive advantages."

Objective: A Personal Strategic Plan

Formatting: none, other than TNR 12pt, 1.5 space, with name, course and date.. 5 pages maximum (cover page and executive summary additional).

Executive Summary (1/2 page)

Personal purpose/mission statement (1/4 page)

Personal vision statement (1/4 page)

Top 5 personal core values explained (1 page)

Personal SWOT analysis (1 page)

Strategic focus areas (1 page)

Objectives and SMART goals for each focus area (1 page)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Strategic Plan
Student's Name:
Unit Name & Number:
Date of Submission
Personal Strategic Plan
Executive Summary
A personal strategic plan is a plan designed for achieving individual goals by defining the most important things to you and defining what success means to an individual. It also helps identify and focus on set objectives and how to achieve them (Garcia, 2016). Therefore, it illustrates how a person navigates the landscape surrounding the individuals to achieve their objectives.
This strategic plan outlines my goals and how to achieve them. It covers my SWOT analysis and how it is related to my plan and how I will implement them to meet the set objective further. I will also use a SMART analysis to measure my goal accurately. My strategic plan is to create a corporate and social network before graduation. As an international student who is about to graduate this December, I need to build my social network to reach out to potential employers who will provide job or internship opportunities.
Mission Statement
My mission is to build a strong corporate and social network before graduating by meeting corporate and school administrators. By doing so, I will find valuable career advice, improve my employability, find out about career opportunities that I might not have known without networking, learn how to build my career and the necessary skills required by every organization.
Vision Statement
My vision is to secure an internship or job immediately after graduation to start my career early and build my experience.
Personal core values
These are the foundational beliefs of a person. They guide and dictate behavior and differentiate between a right and a wrong. The following are my core values.
That involves the willingness to stick to your passion and integrity. We commit to others by committing to ourselves first. I always stick to my moral aspirations, whether it pleases others or not. That is helpful because commitment ensures that I dedicate my full energy to achieving the goal without losing focus.
It is about doing your work in whatever mood or place you are in. It is important to have a consistent mindset, which starts with strong leadership. This value has been helpful because I always behave the same way and with the same attitude. With this value, I will stick to my networking goal without losing focus, no matter the obstacles that might come up.
Involves holding on when challenges appear extreme and repeatedly by trying to do something in a different manner instead of letting it go or giving up. I have been a believer in perseverance throughout my life because it is among the values that have taught me how to endure hard times, opposition, and discouragement that comes my way. Networking goal requires perseverance because it involves sacrificing financial resources and time to book appointments, travel to corporates events, and other career events. Disappointments also exist because I might not get an opportunity to meet the people I could wish to meet due to their tight schedules or reluctance hence requiring perseverance.
Being optimistic is important because it advocates for better relationships, improves emotional well-being, and offer protection against negative situations. I love optimistic value because of its ability to encourage and drag me up when my spirits are low. It has also taught me that life provides two sides, good and bad life; hence there is a time to enjoy and shitty moments.
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