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Personal Analysis Using Jung Typology Personality Test

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Personality and Performance
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Personal analysis
The following are the results of the Jung Typology Personality test
Extravert (11%)  Sensing (38%)  Feeling (62%)  Judging (1%)
* You have slight preference for Extraversion over Introversion (11%)
* You have moderate preference for Sensing over Intuition (38%)
* You have distinct preference for Feeling over thinking (62%)
* You have marginal or no preference for Judging over Perceiving (1%)
This test revealed that I am extraverted sensing feeling judging (ESFJ) personality. This indicates that I am more of an extrovert that an introvert. I also have a slight preference for sensing over intuition, a distinct preference of feeling over thinking and in most cases relying on perception over judging.
One of the strengths of people with this personality as far as self-awareness and personal growth is concerned is that they are generous entertainers. They are very liberal in giving and enjoy being in charge, see problems clearly and delegate easily, Barrick & Ryan (2003). . They work hard and with great enthusiasm and energy, bear strong allegiance to the rights of seniority, willingly provide service and expect the same from others. They also openly display their feelings and exude warmth. They are very precise in their dealings and express their opinions quickly. They easily find occupation in areas where they directly deal with people (staff members, clients, business partners). They enjoy occupations in community development, social work and teaching/training, sales and marketing and entertainment industry.
This personality has some weaknesses though. Such persons are wounded easily, and when hurt their emotions are not easily containable. They easily take vengeance against their transgressors and often give stern reprimand to their transgressors. They don't easily take risks and when caught up in dilemmas can easily give up. They don't easily trust other people and easily detect people with unscrupulous dealings.
According to Vries (2013), personality also affects leadership styles (autocratic, democratic, delegative, e.t.c). The knowledge about my personality type has contributed towards motivation to increased performance and interaction with people around me in my workplace. It has hel...
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