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On Mecole Cooper: A Peer-Discussion Response

Essay Instructions:

Please respond to peers for discussion 1 and 2 Week 1. Not due until Monday, you can do it Sunday. Thanks

Week 1 - Discussion 1

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Week 1 - Discussion 2

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Planning for Implementation

HRIS Systems

Also I am adding another page as it says 3 responses each discussion post.

Discussion 1 - HRIS Systems

Discussion 2 - Planning for Implementation

Rubric - 2 points

Discussion Rubric - 2 points

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGeneral Content/Subject Knowledge

0.6 pts

Distinguished - Addresses all aspects of the prompt in accordance with the parameters of the discussion and demonstrates in-depth knowledge of the discussion topic.

0.53 pts

Proficient - Addresses all aspects of the prompt in accordance with the parameters of the discussion and demonstrates knowledge of the discussion topic.

0.46 pts

Basic - Addresses all aspects of the prompt in accordance with the parameters of the discussion and demonstrates basic knowledge of the discussion topic.

0.38 pts

Below Expectations - Addresses all or most aspects of the prompt in accordance with the parameters of the discussion and demonstrates limited knowledge of the discussion topic.

0 pts

Non-Performance - There is no initial discussion post, or the post does not address the discussion prompt at all.

0.6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking

0.6 pts

Distinguished - Comprehensively explores the ideas, thoughts, and elements of the topic and provides relevant evidence and information that demonstrates all of the following as applicable to the discussion prompt: clarity, relevance, depth, breadth, use of information resources, and logic.

0.53 pts

Proficient - Explores the ideas, thoughts, and elements of the topic and provides relevant evidence and information that demonstrates most of the following as applicable to the discussion prompt: clarity, relevance, depth, breadth, use of information resources, and logic.

0.46 pts

Basic - Explores the ideas, thoughts, and elements of the topic and provides relevant evidence and information that demonstrates some of the following as applicable to the discussion prompt: clarity, relevance, depth, breadth, and use of information, and logic.

0.38 pts

Below Expectations - Attempts to explore the ideas, thoughts, and elements of the topic and provide relevant evidence and information, but demonstrates few of the following as applicable to the discussion prompt: clarity, relevance, depth, breadth, use of information resources, and logic.

0 pts

Non-Performance - There is no attempt to explore the ideas, thoughts, and elements of the topic and provide relevant evidence and information in either the original post or subsequent response posts within the discussion, or no post is present.

0.6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEngagement/ Participation

0.6 pts

Distinguished - Contributes to classroom conversations with at least the minimum number of replies, all of which were thoughtful, relevant, and contributed meaningfully to the conversation. Fully engages in the conversation with appropriate topic-based responses.

0.53 pts

Proficient - Contributes to classroom conversations with the minimum number of replies that are somewhat thoughtful, relevant, and contributed meaningfully to the conversation. Attempts to fully engage in the conversation with appropriate topic-based responses.

0.46 pts

Basic - Contributes to the classroom conversations with the minimum number of replies. Attempts to fully engage in the conversation, but the responses are not relevant or fully aligned with the discussion topic.

0.38 pts

Below Expectations - Attempts to contribute to the classroom conversations with fewer than the minimum number of replies; however, the replies are not thoughtful and relevant, or they do not contribute meaningfully to the conversation.

0 pts

Non-Performance - There is no contribution to the discussion.

0.6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Communication

0.2 pts

Distinguished - Displays clear control of syntax and mechanics. The organization of the work shows appropriate transitions and flow between sentences and paragraphs. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand.

0.18 pts

Proficient - Displays control of syntax and mechanics. The organization of the work shows transitions and/or flow between sentences and paragraphs. Written work contains only a few errors and is mostly easy to understand.

0.15 pts

Basic - Displays basic control of syntax and mechanics. The work is not organized with appropriate transitions and flow between sentences and paragraphs. Written work contains several errors, making it difficult to fully understand.

0.13 pts

Below Expectations - Displays limited control of syntax or mechanics. The work does not include any transitions and does not flow easily between sentences and paragraphs. Written work contains major errors.

0 pts

Non-Performance - Fails to display control of syntax or mechanics, within the original post and/or responses. Organization is also not present.

0.2 pts

Total Points: 2

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discussion 1 HRIS Systems - Response to Mecole Cooper
Post One
Hi! Azikiwe,I liked reading your post, while I may add something. I think HRIS is a specific program in any organization where the human resource department would have all the automated operations activated only inside the organization. On the contrary, the e-HRM is an overall electronic, human resource process where the people out of the organization, such as the vendors, are also included here in this process. HRIS is more important to the HRM when the internal matters are more important such as employee performance management, appraisal systems, and more. I think the relational database is the essence of any HRIS as HRIS needs data for processing related to human resources and employee performance, whereas a relational database is a database that needs to be fed to the HRIS for making thoughtful analysis and decisions.
I appreciate how you have dissected the nuance between HRIS and e-HRM. Your coverage of how e-HRM covers external aspects and accommodates people "out of the organization" is spot on. However, I would like to add that e-HRM has a key role, and that is the fulfillment of functions in addition to connecting segregated members in its target audience. In other words, it uses information retrieved from HRIS and, based on this information, provides technical supports to employees and management. Hence, e-HRM aims at expediting the processes through the provision of administrative support.
Post Two
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) refers to the conjunction between the information system and human resources using the HR software. Through this system, the management of any organization can take care of the activities related to accounting, payroll, and many more. HRIS is the one-stop solution for organizational management to allocate resources and manage costs related to HRM (Kavanagh, Thite & Johnson, 2015).HRIS is directly linked to the HR department of the organization, where this system would only improve the HRM-related activities. On the other hand, the target group for e-HRM refers to the people or personnel out of the HRM department in the organization, such as the employees. If HRIS can be regarded as the automation of HRM operations, then this acts as a switch for the technological support of e-HRM operations in the organization.A relational database refers to a structured set of data in table format where the elements or parameters are related to each other. A relational database management system (RDBMS) is the solution for the organizational data management system where the relation between all data is highlighted. An HRIS retrieves the data from the RDBMS such as Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, and more. As HRIS facilitates the data modification operations such as data integration, sharing, updating, and storage for the employee information procurement, this RDBMS holds great importance for the HRIS.
I went through your post with great interest. I think you have adequately covered the functional aspects of HRIS. Yes, I do agree, based on my understanding, that e-HRM can be treated as an extension of HRIS. The target audience differs where HRIS is to assist the HR staff, while e-HR offers solutions tailored to the needs of employees. An important part of its functionality is to simultaneously assist the employees operating remotely beyond the scope of the traditional approach to HRM.
Post Three
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a network of systems combined to complete the function of human resources through software at the click of a button. It can also assist in making informed decisions effectively. "It is important to note that a company does not have a computerized system still has a human resource information system, but the system exists on paper" (Kavanagh, Johnson, & Thite, 2015, section 1.4). It is the storage of files acquired by a small or large business. For instance, employee information that a company requests at the time of hires, such as direct deposit, identification, and address information, to process guests in the system to obtain wages. Daily business operations such as bookkeeping require expenses, revenue, and accounts payable are also files for storage. Every month I send out direct bill payments to companies that are set up on a monthly account that does not require payment upfront. There is a system that assists in keeping up with the balance due and deducts payment as the clients send in checks to cover the expense.e-HRM is when the interaction goes from a live person in the human resource department to assisting electronically 24-hrs a day by utilizing the self-service portal.HRIS differs from e-HRM because HRIS are the systems that allow e-HRM to take place while computing information electronically. Thus, HRIS is the foundation built to form e-HRM.A relational database is when data is in different tables but allows sharing of information easily grouped in other fields without having to keep inputting the same data consecutively. For instance, an employee who is crossing training for two positions will require different badge numbers. However, their name and address are the same in the system: the information that is going to be shared and the department will be separate for pay scale purposes. The relational database is essential to HRIS because HRIS relies on the information put into the relational database for categorization.
I appreciate your approach. However, the only thing that I found problematic is that you have delved too much into rudimentary aspects, such as data storage, processing, and sharing, that are generally understood. I would love to read more about how e-HRM provides administrative support to employees and how its target audience differs from HRIS. Yes, e-HRM targets employees unrelated to HRM staff through functional fulfillment or assistance, while HRIS purely supports HRM staff in operative and managerial functions.
Discussion 2 - Planning for Implementation
Post One
One concern I would have is that wanting to immediately update the computer systems to share information is not as easy as one might think. While, in theory, it would be as easy as clicking a few buttons, it is not. So much can go wrong. If the system is not set up to share over all the organizations, then if too many people are on simultaneously, it would cause the system to crash, hindering the users from gathering the information they want. So taking the time to make sure the programs are done properly would be the first step and not rushing into it. Using the ERP to combine all aspects of each business would be an issue. Combining all the organizations to access it could cause issues with making the right plan for each organization. Giving too much information, people become overwhelmed and may end up using the wrong vendors, which will cost that organization customers. Or the organization could end up using the wrong sales analysis, which would hinder business as well.You realize the project is going to impact a lot of departments and people. Identify the different custome...
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