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Paris Agreement Business & Marketing Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

Watch the following video:


Read the following article:


Summarize 2-3 points about why the US should have pulled out of the Paris Agreement and 2-3 points why the US should not have pulled out of the Paris Agreement (present a balanced view and set politics aside). You may want to use sources beyond these two (they are a starting point).

Your primary post should be about 250 words. Any outside sources should be cited (APA preferred).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
On Why US Should Have Pulled out of the Paris Agreement: An Analysis
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Paris Agreement
One of the reasons why the United States (U.S.) should have pulled out of the Paris Agreement is that most countries involved either committed to lesser emission reductions or disregarded them at all. As Loris (2019) notes, a country like India set its emission reduction bar so low that it continued with business as usual. On the other hand, the U.S. had committed itself to high emission reductions, therefore, looking like a fool on the international scene. Another reason why the U.S. should have pulled out is that the country’s commitment to high emission reductions meant that its citizens had to lose a lot in terms of jobs and income. Given that some of the other countries were not fully committed to emission reductions,...
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