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Organizational Behavior

Essay Instructions:
Research the company at which you now work (or the school you are currently attending) and write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Discuss how you could apply negotiation strategies to address potential conflicts in the workplace. 2. Determine how evidence-based management could be applied to the work environment you researched. 3. Analyze the blocks, stages, and methods of creative decision making to determine the best approach the employer you researched should follow when making managerial decisions. 4. Discuss the environmental and strategic factors that affect the organizational design of the company you researched. 5. Include three (3) external peer-reviewed sources to support your position. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: - Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. - Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: - Examine the primary conflict levels within organization and the process for negotiating resolutions. - Outline various individual and group decision-making processes and key factors affecting these processes. - Use technology and information resources to research issues in organizational behavior. - Write clearly and concisely about organizational behavior using proper writing mechanics.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF BOEING CORPORATION STUDENT NAME STUDENT ID COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: COURSE INSTRUCTOR: INSTITUTION: DATE: Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319244214" Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc319244214 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319244215" Negotiation strategies  PAGEREF _Toc319244215 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319244216" Evidence based management  PAGEREF _Toc319244216 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319244217" Creative decision making  PAGEREF _Toc319244217 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319244218" Environmental and strategic factors  PAGEREF _Toc319244218 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319244219" Conclusion  PAGEREF _Toc319244219 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319244220" References  PAGEREF _Toc319244220 \h 12  Introduction Established in 1916, The Boeing Corporation is the world leader in aircraft manufacturing with five operational divisions including Precision Engagement and Boeing Capital Corporation, Mobility Systems, Support Systems, Commercial Airplanes and Network and Space Systems. The company runs their operations from the United States, Australia and Canada with its headquarters in Chicago, Illumines. In this paper, we are going to discuss and analyze the negotiation strategies to address potential conflicts, applying evidence based management, methods of creative decision making process and environmental and strategic factors that affect organizational design of Boeing Corporation. Negotiation strategies Negotiation, in a workplace, is an approach to resolve points of distinction and conflict between two parties, the management and the workers in general sense, and come to an agreement for collective or individual advantage. In a negotiation process, each of the parties does not have absolute power on each other and possible only when the parties are willing to move from their original standing. Before starting a workplace negotiation process, the party with better bargaining position have positive mood and thus have more confidence (Kramer, Newton and Pommerenke, 1993) and use less aggressive strategies (Maiese, 2005) and more cooperative tactics (Forgas, 1998). Considering these facts, the possible negotiation strategies to address potential conflicts for the Boeing would have the following steps: Developing a negotiation team with a few, but experienced and expert, members and a team leader to formulate effective and efficient negotiation objective. The team members may include business analyst, pricing analyst, technical analyst or any other expert on the issue of negotiation. Identifying negotiation issues and objective. In case of competitive negotiation, evaluating the offered proposal, affective conditions and solicitation criteria gives the best result. For a non-competitive negotiation, considering future impacts, financial terms and fairly apportion risk has significant importance. The objective must be prepared on the basis of market knowledge and actual facts. Finding the approaches and strategies of the other party for the negotiation, which can be achieved by studying current and past contracts and proposals and memoranda. Evaluating strength and weakness of both parties for the actual bargaining event. This comes from gathering knowledge and information as much as possible on different sides of the negotiation issues as well studying the motivation of other party. Establishing negotiation potential tradeoffs and priorities based on a ranking, prepared from different negotiation issues. The rank may include points like: nonnegotiable, open for concession, avoid during negotiation and open for bargaining. Final revise on the proposal from the opposition may give some insights at this stage as well. Appraising the overall negotiation approach by selecting the most supporting strategies to accomplish objectives and priorities. As there is no right approach to achieve a successful negotiation, it can start with the least important issues or the issues which are anticipated to reach a favorable decision. Preparing a negotiation plan by collaborating among the team members. Initially, a draft, including background, issues, objectives, priorities, positions and approaches of the negotiation can be arranged. Then reviewing it by the team members while considering individual ideas and reaching to a final decision on the whole negotiation process. Presenting a management briefing for management feedback in favor or against of the plan or modifying specific sections of the plan. Setting up a negotiation agenda to review by the other party before starting the negotiation process. In the agenda, the company must provide the addressed topics in details and all other related information that has even the slightest effect in the negotiation. Evidence based management Evidence based management means making decisions based on factual information. In a business organization, the management use scientific and rational approaches rather than intuitional principles to achieve the efficiency and productivity for the company. The Evidence based management (EBM) makes better sense for the management to act by using better logic and evidence. Payroll, employee incentives, benefits and some others managerial decisions can be taken by in evidence based management process, based on previous evidences. The application of evidence-based management largely depends on available best scientific facts, education and ethical concerns and circumstances. In addition, many managers like to use behavioral science as evidence in management practice for effective outcome (Rousseau, 2006). Implementing evidence-based management became very common in the recent years in large-scale manufacturing industry; such as the Boeing. Boeing is collecting data from past years regarding its employees and other equipment management and making decision based on this evidence, while considering a benchmark for the best result. Execution evidence-based management also changes the culture policies of Boeing. By benchmarking the system, the company made significantly greater financial achievement, comparing previous results. In 1994, when United Airlines started their operations in the Southwest California, it introduced a new service shuttle, which was developed by Boeing. For this, the management of Boeing studied the causal culture in California, considering their services as benchmark. For example, offe...
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