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Human Resources keep employees motivated

Essay Instructions:
Write an essay anwering these two questions what are ways to keep employees motivated other than increasing salary? What are the key qualities that a hiring manager should consider when selecting new employees?
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Human Resource Management (Insert name)(Institutional Affiliation) What are ways to keep employees motivated other than increasing salary? Human resource is a core factor for the success of a business. There are other strategies which can be adopted to motivate employees apart from increasing their salaries. One method which has proved effective in some companies is the wholesome integration of rewarding of the employees according to their performance (Comb, 2001). This is where the organization judges the performance based on the bottom line of quality, productivity and profitability. This is by paying employees according to their merit. An employee in this case receives innovate compensation rather than increment of the salary. It happens for a particular person and thus everyone makes effort to bring innovation thus increasing the productivity. Another method is about how employees are handled. This means that the all the employees need to be handled fairly especially those in subordinate positions. Managers should not receive great pays and allowances while neglecting other workers. The strategy should also involve reduction of bureaucracy in the company (Mrandula, 2006). The workers at the bottom should be provided with a chance to participate in making suggestions whereby those which are positive should be implemented. This would ensure that they feel appreciated and recognized. In addition, it is necessary to give the employees enjoyment of job security in order to make them identify themselves with the business. This will give them a chance to develop passion and trust for a company. It is a more effective strategy rather than having temporary, part-time, or virtual workers. What are the key qualities that a hiring manager should consider when selecting new employees? Hiring the right employee is also basic to the success of a business or organization. The right employee will bring innovation and even high productivity. An intervi...
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