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An Oligopolistic Market Structure and Its Impacts to Macroeconomy

Essay Instructions:

In our session this module week we've been discussing the differences between micro and macroeconomics. Hopefully, you've learned a lot from our deep dive into the Circular Flow Model. Let's put what we're learning to the test! In this assignment, prepare a short essay that distinguishes the role of firms in our macroeconomy.

In your essay, identify the following:

Choose a real-life example of an oligopolistic market structure in the U.S.

Identify how your firm has been impacted by our macroeconomy.

Determine if your firm was dependent on the federal government for a bailout and/or restructuring.

Describe the factors your chosen firm has taken to avoid market failure at a macro-level.

Examine how your chosen firm affects our macroeconomy with regard to economic output.

Your essay must be supported by a minimum of three sources, be in current APA format, and be at least 500 words in length. Here are the required pages:

Title page


Body of the paper


Reference page

Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Firms in our Macroeconomy
Student’s Name:
The media industry in the U.S. presents an oligopolistic market structure where few companies are controlling the significant share of the industry. The film and television production in the U.S. is dominated by five media conglomerates including The Walt Disney, NBCUniversal, Viacom, WarnerMedia, and Sony (Warf, 2007). Previously, 21st Century was included in the list but Walt Disney bought it in 2019 making it the largest media company in the world. Therefore, the control of the media industry in the U.S. by few companies with Walt Disney taking the largest share is part of an oligopolistic market structure (Stöhr, & Budzinski, 2020). Walt Disney currently controls most of the media platforms in the industry, thus tend to be affected by macroeconomic factors.
The domination of Walt Disney in the media industry places it in a position to be affected by the macroeconomics. The country’s macroeconomy have positively impacted the firm which has continued to operate profitably. The country’s economic fall-out had significant impacts on various industries including the media industry, but Walt Disney was able to stay afloat amidst the chaos. The firm’s diversity in the media industry helped it to continue operating profitably even when the market structures were failing. Therefore, the macroeconomics of the country have enabled the firm to grow due to the high income levels and lower rates of unemployment which leads to people purchasing its products.
Walt Disney was properly situated to survive the economic fallout thus it was not among the companies that were bailed out by the federal government. Company bailouts are crucial in an economic disaster which is meant to prevent the big firms from failing. In an oligopolistic market structure, bailouts are unavoidable as...
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